Taos Amateur Radio Club, Feb 12, 2025 Agenda

6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.

Optional potluck, 5:30.

6:10 Meeting Begins

  1. Sign-in

  2. Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.

  3. Approval of minutes for the meeting of January 8, 2025.

  4. Treasurer's Report - Ed (KF5EIG) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurer's Report.

  5. President’s remarks:

    a. Miscellaneous

    b. Rocky Mountain Ham Radio, Tech Fest February 22, 2025

  6. New Business:

    a. Update - DOH FCC Licence Class & Testing. Tim (W5TNM)

  7. Old Business:

    a. Grant(s) Update - Keith (K5FS)

    b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF).

    c. ARES Update – Brian (NB5R)

  8. Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)

  9. Net report listed below.

  10. Technical Presentation - Tim (W5TNM), ARES Task Book

  11. Business Meeting Close

  12. Reminders: Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm. Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net:

Analog: January 2025 Net

  1. KF5TTO Greg 2. K2AH Donovan 3. K5GEO George
  2. NM5MK Mike 5. W5JHW John 6. KF5OSA Daniel
  3. KF5OSB Glen 8. W5TNM Tim 9. W5TAO Gary
  4. W5ZAC Zac 11. KE5CEJ Catherine (Phone Check-in as no Echolink Avail.) 12 W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)

DMR January 2025 Net

  1. K2AH Donovan 2. W5GWR Wayne 3. W5JHW John 4. W5TNM Tim 5. K5GEO George (Net Control)

HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net:

Google Meets Teleconference or just call in: TaosARC Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm. Google Meet joining info Video call link:


Join by phone (US) +1 401-903-4980‬ PIN: 462 501 710‬#‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/pmo-zvdc-hym?pin=8535535656864

NOTE: 2 fund raising methods below: Bridgecom Affiliate, and Smith’s Grocery.

======================================================================== Purchases from Bridgecom can benefit the club for 5% of this link is used. https://www.bridgecomsystems.com/?ref=ame1o2sv9r

Smith’s Kroger: Some of us have been having trouble linking to Smiths/Kroger to select Taos ARC for automatic donations. The key may be selecting your preferred store (Taos) then finding TARC. Detailed instructions follow:

  1. Create a digital account. A digital account is needed to participate in Smith’s Inspiring Donations. If you already have a digital account, simply link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all transactions apply toward the organization you choose.
  2. Link your Card to an organization. Selecting the organization that you wish to support is as simple as updating the Smith’s Inspiring Donations selection on your digital account. Sign into your digital account. Search for your organization here. (Note, if you are a customer make sure you have a preferred store selected to view participating organizations). Enter the name or NPO number of the organization you wish to support (TARC is PT507). Select the appropriate organization from the list and click “Save”. Your selected organization will also display in the Smith’s Inspiring Donations section of your account. If you need to review or revisit your organization, you can always do so under your Account details.
  3. Your organization earns. Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Smith’s Inspiring Donations will donate 0.5% of all eligible spending to organizations that customers have linked to their Rewards Card. end

Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on Jan 8, 2025

OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571 Optional Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.

  1. Sign in. The meeting began at 6:07.

  2. Guest and member introductions, 13 members attended in person.

  3. Approval of 11-13-2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion was made to approve by Tim (W5TNM) and seconded by Leonardo (KF5ORZ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  4. Treasurer's Report: Ed (KF5EIG) Updated Club Balances with month to meeting balance of 18,000.28, which inclused $852.52 in expenses and a grant of 3000.00. The club is in a sound financial position. Motion to approve by Shelia (KI5IPS), seconded by David (KJ5DFQ).

  5. President’s Remarks: President Donovan (K2AH) made the President’s remarks and introduction.

    a. License testing on Dec. 14 resulted in one new Technician License for Kenneth (KJ5JJQ). Tentative dates for 2025 testing are March 8, June 14, Sept 13, Nov 8 and Dec 13, and all media sources will be updated with dates. b. Rocky Mountain Ham will once again be hosting their annual Tech Fest on Feb 22 in Albuquerque, or via Zoom.

  6. New Business:

    a Donovan briefed TARC on the proposed USFS San Antonio Mountain Comm Site Plan. On the next trip to site, routine maintenance will need to be performed, as well as safety measures implemented. We will coordinate with Brian (NB5R) on our next trip to site.

  7. Old Business

    a. Grants Update: Keith (K5FS)– We will need to execute existing grant monies by the end of May 2025. Changing political events on the national level may impact the grant situation moving forward.

    b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No updates from Darien (NM5DF).

    c. ARES update: Donovan (K2AH) noted that we need to explore the possibility of a second (backup) assistant to Brian (NB5R) in his ARES role, looking for interested members. Brian (NB5R) informed the club of the basic duties for an assistant. The question was asked, and Brian updated the club on the activities of the Club mobilization during the Calf Canyon fire. The club had approximately 140 volunteer hours during the support role.

  8. Repeater Report/Update: Brian (NB5R) indicated that we have 2 repeaters that need to be repurposed/relocated. He also gave updates on winter operations and impacts on the various repeaters.

  9. David (KJ5DFQ) gave STEM update. Reiterated his thanks to the club for supporting his students on their Wednesday afternoon repeater check-in and use. He updated the status of his student’s, and the club supplied wiring and soldering kits, and is looking for support from club members on an upcoming robotics projects at New Mexico Tech. He announced Feb 7 Taos Middle School Science Fair and Expo and would welcome volunteers. Details of the event to follow via email.

  10. Tim (W5TNM) updated the club on his Radio class that he is helping to conduct in Santa Fe, and that he will reach out for VE support if needed. He also explained the outreach to Taos Search and Rescue for future support if needed.

  11. Business Meeting Close: Motion was made to approve by Tim (W5TNM) and seconded by Brian (NB5R).

Taos Amateur Radio Club, Jan 8, 2025 Agenda

6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.

Optional potluck, 5:30.

6:10 Meeting Begins

  1. Sign-in

  2. Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.

  3. Approval of minutes for the November 2024 meeting.

  4. Treasurer's Report - Ed (KF5EIG) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurer's Report.

  5. President’s remarks:

    a) Introduction

    b) Dec 14th Test Results, Kenneth (KJ5JJQ) New Technician License

    c) Rocky Mountain Ham Radio, Tech Fest February 22, 2025

  6. New Business:

    a) USFS San Antonio Comm Site Plan

  7. Old Business:

    a) Grant(s) Update - Keith (K5FS)

    b) TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF).

    c) ARES Update – Brian (NB5R).

  8. Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)

  9. Net report listed below.

  10. Business Meeting Close

Reminders: Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm.

Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net:

Analog: December 2024 Net

  1. W5TNM, Tim 2. AG5QC, Randy 3. KE5CEJ, Catherine
  2. W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)

DMR December 2024 Net

HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net:

Google Meets Teleconference or just call in: TaosARC Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm. Google Meet joining info Video call link:


Join by phone (US) +1 401-903-4980‬ PIN: 462 501 710‬#‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/pmo-zvdc-hym?pin=8535535656864

NOTE: 2 fund raising methods below: Bridgecom Affiliate, and Smith’s Grocery.

======================================================================== Purchases from Bridgecom can benefit the club for 5% of this link is used. https://www.bridgecomsystems.com/?ref=ame1o2sv9r

Smith’s Kroger: Some of us have been having trouble linking to Smiths/Kroger to select Taos ARC for automatic donations. The key may be selecting your preferred store (Taos) then finding TARC. Detailed instructions follow:

  1. Create a digital account. A digital account is needed to participate in Smith’s Inspiring Donations. If you already have a digital account, simply link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all transactions apply toward the organization you choose.
  2. Link your Card to an organization. Selecting the organization that you wish to support is as simple as updating the Smith’s Inspiring Donations selection on your digital account. Sign into your digital account. Search for your organization here. (Note, if you are a customer make sure you have a preferred store selected to view participating organizations). Enter the name or NPO number of the organization you wish to support (TARC is PT507). Select the appropriate organization from the list and click “Save”. Your selected organization will also display in the Smith’s Inspiring Donations section of your account. If you need to review or revisit your organization, you can always do so under your Account details.
  3. Your organization earns. Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Smith’s Inspiring Donations will donate 0.5% of all eligible spending to organizations that customers have linked to their Rewards Card. end

Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 11-14-2024

OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571 1. Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.

  1. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:15.

  2. Guest and member introductions, 16 members attended in person.

  3. Approval of 10-9-2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion was made to approve by Keith (K5FS) and seconded by Tim (W5TNM). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  4. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) was not present at the meeting. Donovan (K2AH) presented Don’s reports. We have a bank balance of $15,324.95. We had $1367.13 in deposits and $283.39 in expenses. Motion was made to approve by Greg (KF5TTO) and seconded by Wayne (W5GWR). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  5. Vice President Donovan (K2AH) made the president’s remarks.

    a. We had to re-nominate and approve 2 officers. The new nominees for VP and Secretary were Greg (KF5TTO) and Craig (KI5HKU) respectively. Also nominated was Keith (K2FS) for the Board position in charge of Grants. We opened the floor for discussion and there was none. A show of hands for all 3 nominees, they were selected unanimously with no objections.

    b. The results of the election of TARC board members for 2025 are shown below: President – Donovan K2AH Vice President – Greg (KF5TTO) Secretary – Craig (KI5HKU) Treasurer – Ed (KF5EIG) Immediate Past President – Tim (W5TNM) Trustee Multi-Term – Brian (NB5R) Grants – Keith (K2FS) Stem – David (KJ5DFQ) Events and Maintenance – Darien (NM5DF)

    c. All new board members were elected by a unanimous show of hands. New positions are effective January 1, 2025.

    d. On November 9, 2024, 2 people tested for licenses. David renewed/reinstated his General and Pat passed the Amateur Extra. Great work!

    e. The next scheduled exam date is December 14, 2024. As mentioned earlier, TARC is always ready to help people get their licenses and can set up exams at other times.

  6. New Business

    a. Donovan debriefed TARC on the Taos Halloween Event. Gary (W5TAO) and Donovan were there most of the day. In the morning they were helping get the cars on Bent Street and attending the Police/Town safety briefing. The rest of the team showed up around 2:30. There were 10-11 TARC members helping mostly with traffic and pedestrian control. We were helped this year by Taos PD at all the intersections along Camino de la Placita. The event went very smoothly and there were no incidents. This was big community event at which we were a sponsor. The organizers appreciated our efforts. Thanks to all of TARC for great participation.

    b. As a token of appreciation for all TARC who participate in the many Taos events during the year, we purchase hats. Donovan and Ed asked for $700 this year for the hats. This request was unanimously approved by a show of hands. We will try to have them for the December meeting.

    c. Christmas Party Discussion – the Party will be held during our next meeting, 12/11 at 5:30pm. An email will be sent out for participants to indicate what they are bringing. Casual dress! Families are invited. NO Alcohol! David (KJ5DFQ) will bring extra chairs and tables.

  7. Old Business

    a. Grants Update – we are now a finalist for a grant. We originally thought that due to the problems with the mail and late arrival of documents we missed out. However, due to Keith and David’s emphasis on STEM we are in good shape for a grant. David has a good core of 5-6 students who are doing some extra work and study on Radio and electronics.

    b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No updates

    c. ARES update – No updates

  8. Repeater Report/Update – Brian was hoping to put the Red River Repeater at “Sawmill” because it gives better coverage of the upper canyon and back country. However he will have to wait until spring to do any work. Wayne (W5GFR) indicated that EchoLink was down. There was talk about a “Trash” repeater and where to put it, possibly Llano Quemado.

  9. Sheila visited Connecticut to see her brother and ended up visiting ARRL head offices. She talked about the large antenna farm, the old buildings, and W1AW. ARRL offers some good things, even 80 scholarships a year.

  10. Tim mentioned need to buy 10 more “loaner” Tech license books.

  11. We will be meeting with the “Harwood” for some kind of showcasing of TARC’s abilities, experiences, old and new radios, etc. We are not exactly sure of requirements.

  12. David mentioned that he had met a man from “TK1”, some program that works with schools and the “International Amateur Radio Union” on the “AMSAT” (50 years of radio in space). This combination of groups builds a satellite during a multi-year project and requires an investment. We requested more information.

  13. Business Meeting Close. Motion was made to approve by David and seconded by Leonardo (KF5ORZ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

Taos Amateur Radio Club, November 13, 2024 Agenda

6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.

Optional potluck, 5:30.

6:10 Meeting Begins

  1. Sign-in

  2. Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.

  3. Approval of minutes for the meeting of October 9, 2024.

  4. Treasurer's Report - Don (K2WQ) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurers Report.

  5. President’s remarks:

    a) 2025 Officers: President - Donovan, K2AH, Vice-Pres – TBD, Secretary TBD, and Treasurer – Ed, KF5EIG

    b) 2025 Board: Immediate-Past Pres – Tim, W5TNM, Trustee – Brian, NB5R, Grants - TBD, STEM – David, KJ5DFQ and Events/Maintenance – Darien, NM5DF.

    c) November 9th License Test results

    d) Next License Testing will be held on Dec 14th.

  6. New Business:

    a) Discussion/Debrief Halloween event, Donovan (K2AH)

    b) Event participation appreciation – Hat purchase

    c) Christmas party discussion

  7. Old Business:

    a) Grant(s) Update, Keith (K5FS)

    b) TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF)

    c) ARES Update – Kiri (K7KAH), Brian (NB5R)

  8. Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)

  9. Net report listed below.

  10. Business Meeting Close

  11. Reminders:

    a) Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm.

Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net:

Analog: October 2024 Net

DMR: October 2024 Net

  1. W5JHW, John 2. N5TSV, Mickey 3. W5GWR, Wayne
  2. K2AH, Donovan 5. NM5MK, Mike 6. K5GEO, George (Net Control) Control)

HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net:

Google Meets Teleconference or just call in: TaosARC Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm. Google Meet joining info Video call link:


Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 10-9-2024

OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.

  2. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:10.

  3. Guest and member introductions, 17members attended in person.

  4. Approval of 9-11-2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion was made to approve by Sheila (KI5IPS) and seconded by Randy (AG5QC). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  5. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported a bank balance of $14,397.21, with $1200.00 in deposits and $270 in expenses. Motion was made to approve by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by Keith (K5FS). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  6. Vice President Donovan (K2AH) made the president’s remarks.

    a. Donovan went over the emailed nominations and then took a voice vote for each nominee.

    b. The results of the election of TARC board members for 2025 are shown below:

    • President – Donovan K2AH
    • Vice President – Don K2WQ
    • Secretary – Mike NM5NK
    • Treasurer – Ed KF5EIG
    • Immediate Past President – Tim W5TNM
    • Trustee Multi-Term – Brian NB5R
    • Grants – Vote Tabeled
    • STEM – David KJ5DFQ
    • Events and Maintenance – Darien NM5DF

    All new board members were elected by a unanimous show of hands. New positions are effective January 1, 2025. Approval of these minutes (October 9.2024) will finalize the election results and make them official.

    c. Tim (W5TNM) indicated that our website has not been updated for a while. It still has old pictures, etc. Some members of the board are able to make updates. May be a good idea to look into this by the end of the year.

  7. New Business

    a. ED debriefed TARC on the Taos HS Homecoming Parade. We were asked to help at the last minute. Ed attended and met with the High School, Town, Police, Roads, and Emergency Management people. They told me that they would need 10 to 12 of us. This was going the be a big event, 3-5000 people, 20 floats, Fire Trucks, Police Cars, all sorts of powerful trucks towing the floats. Roads were going to be blocked. There was a very good briefing with all the above people prior to the event. A detailed document was distributed and this helped TARC position our radio operators. We were stationed where the Police weren’t and we added extra eyes, ears, and communication. The organizers appreciated our efforts. Thanks to all of TARC for great participation on a short notice! We did get 11-12 volunteers.

    b. One more upcoming event is the Halloween Trunk or Treat on the Plaza and Bent Street. This will be held on 10/31/24, from 3 – 6pm. Placement of volunteers for the Halloween event is tricky due to Camino de la Placitas being part of the environment. This event was well attended last year. The organizers would like 10-12 volunteers.

    c. The next planned FCC License test will be Nov. 9, 2024at 10am @OPD.

    d. The US Forest Service Inventory Report has been completed for our presence on Picuris and San Antonio Mountain. The USFS has acknowleged receipt of the report.

    e. Brian (NB5R) indicated that Picuris looks ok but will need some work in the future.

    f. Donovan and Mike (NM5MK) met with the Emergency Management Folks at Taos County Emergency Management in Llano Quemado. Tarc will make plans to assist the county staff to insure the radio equipment is functional.

  8. Old Business

    a. Grants Update – Some anticipatory work is being done.

    b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No updates

    c. ARES update – No updates

    d. David (KJ5DFQ) got some of his middle schoolers on QSOs with TARC while we were waiting for the parade to start. Some of them have the Phonetic Alphabet memorized so that they can clearly identify themselves on the air. Way to go students!

  9. Repeater Report/Update – Brian has the Red River Repeater sitting in his shop waiting for a new placement. He was hoping to put it at “Sawmill” because it gives better coverage of the upper canyon and back country. Brian has a loaner repeater at Angel File. He is putting new repeaters for the PD and FD up above the AF golf course. He would also like to put the AF Ham repeater in the same area. He is waiting on delivery of an antenna and procuring an FCC license. Don mentioned it would be great to have a GMRS repeater on Sawmill.

  10. Business Meeting Close. Motion was made to approve by David and seconded by Randy (AG5QC). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

Taos Amateur Radio Club, October 9, 2024 Agenda

6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.

Optional potluck, 5:30.

6:10 Meeting Begins

  1. Sign-in

  2. Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.

  3. Approval of minutes for the meeting of September 11, 2024.

  4. Treasurer's Report - Don (K2WQ) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurers Report.

  5. President’s remarks:

    a) Officer & Board Elections – A nomination form was sent to the membership. The responses will be compiled and presented for a vote by membership present in person or virtually.

  6. New Business:

    a) Discussion/Debrief Homecoming Parade event, Ed (KF5EIG)

    b) Upcoming Halloween Event, Planning/Discussion, Donovan (K2AH)

    c) US Forest Service Inventory Report - Update Donovan (K2AH)

    d) Upcoming FCC License Test, November 9 2024 – Donovan (K2AH)/Tim (W5TNM)

  7. Old Business:

    a) Grant(s) Update, Keith (K5FS)

    b) TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF)

    c) ARES Update – Kiri (K7KAH), Brian (NB5R)

  8. Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)

  9. Net report listed below.

  10. Business Meeting Close

  11. Reminders:

    a) Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm.

Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net:

Analog: September 2024 Net

  1. KI5AXU, Karen 2. KF5TTO, Greg 3. K5FSK
  2. K5GEO, George 5. KI5MGR, John 6. KC5MUO, Frank
  3. NM5MK, Mike 8. KI5HKU, Craig 9. NM5RF, Zack
  4. W5TNM, Tim 11. N5TSV, Mickey 12. W5TAO, Gary
  5. FL5LK, Bill 14. KF5EIG, Ed 15. KE5CEJ, Catherine
  6. AG5QC, Charlie 17. W5GWR, Wayne (Net Control)

DMR September 2024 Net

  1. N5TSV, Mickey 2. NM5MK, Mike 3. W5TNM, Tim 4. W5TAO, Gary
  2. W5GWR, Wayne 6. KI5HKU, Craig 7. K5GEO, George (Net Control)

HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net:

Google Meets Teleconference or just call in: TaosARC Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm. Google Meet joining info Video call link:


Join by phone ‪(US) +1 401-903-4980‬ PIN: ‪462 501 710‬#‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/pmo-zvdc-hym?pin=8535535656864

Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on September 11, 2024

OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.

  2. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:15.

  3. Guest and member introductions, 15 members attended in person and 2 attended virtually.

  4. Approval of August 14, 2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion was made to approve by Mike (KI6KGC) and seconded by John (WB5Q). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  5. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) was not in attendance but he forwarded reports to leadership. Donovan reported a bank balance of $13,313.75, with $671.48 in deposits and $2120.77 in expenses. Motion was made to approve by Tim (W5TNM) and seconded by Leonardo (KF5ORZ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  6. Vice President Donovan (K2AH) made the president’s remarks. a. He will email a ballot with nominations to the group. b. Elections to elect new officers is held at the October meeting.

  7. New Business

    a. Donovan debriefed TARC on the Dwight Yoakum concert. The opening act played a set and then the Mavericks came on stage around 6pm. During their third song, the heavens opened up and it poured for several hours. The event was called off and Dwight Yoakum did not play.

    b. Upcoming events are Paseo Project, 10/3 – 10/6 and Halloween on the Plaza and Bent Street. Placement of volunteers for the Halloween event is tricky due to Camino de la Placitas being part of the environment. Lots of kids and parents attend.

    c. The next planned test will be Nov 11, 2024. However, TARC will accommodate all who are interested in becoming hams.

    d. John (W5BQ) mentioned that there are 2 hamfests coming up. One is in Albuquerque and the other in Socorro. The event at Socorro may provide an opportunity to visit the VLA.

  8. Old Business

    a. Grants Update – No updates.

    b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No updates

    c. ARES update – No updates

    d. David (KJ5DFQ) described some successes in getting his middle schoolers interested in Ham Radio and electronics. Four students have indicated interest in getting ham licenses. David would like some of TARC to come to school at some point and talk about Ham Radio and testing. He has taken a study guide and will continue to stoke interest. Great job David!

  9. Repeater Report/Update – nothing pressing.

  10. Business Meeting Close. Motion was made to approve by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by David (KJ5DFQ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

Taos Amateur Radio Club, September 11, 2024 Agenda

6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.

Optional potluck, 5:30.

6:10 Meeting Begins

  1. Sign-in

  2. Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.

  3. Approval of minutes for the meeting of August 14, 2024.

  4. Treasurer's Report - Don (K2WQ) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurers Report.

  5. President’s remarks: a) Officer Update

  6. New Business: a) Discussion/Debrief Dwight Yoakum Concert event, Don (K2WQ) b) Upcoming Town Events, Planning/Discussion, Donovan (K2AH) c) US Forest Service Inventory Reports, Tim (W5TNM), Donovan (K2AH)

  7. Old Business: a) Grant(s) Update, Keith (K5FS) b) TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF) c) ARES Update – Kiri (K7KAH), Brian (NB5R)

  8. Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)

  9. Net report listed below.

  10. Business Meeting Close

  11. Reminders: a ) Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm.

Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net:

Analog: August 2024 Net

  1. KF5TTO Greg 2. KI5AXU Karen 3. K5GEO George
  2. KF5EIG Ed 5. NM5MK Mike 6. W5JHW John
  3. KC5MUO Frank 8. N5TSV Mickey 9. W5TAO Gary
  4. W5TNM Tim 11. KE5CEJ Catherine 12. W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)

DMR July 2024 Net

  1. N5TSV, Mickey 2. NM5MK, Mike 3. W5TAO, Gary
  2. W5TNM, Tim 5. W5GWR, Wayne 6. W5JHW, John
  3. K5GEO, George (Net Control)

HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net:

Google Meets Teleconference or just call in: TaosARC Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm. Google Meet joining info Video call link:


Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 8-14-2024

OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.

  2. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:10.

  3. Guest and member introductions, 16 members attended in person and 1 attended on line.

  4. Approval of 7-10-2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion was made to approve by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Tim (W5TNM). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  5. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported a balance of $12,689.25. Motion was made to approve by Greg (KF5TTO) and seconded by Ed (KF5EIG),

  6. Vice President Donovan (K2AH) made the president’s remark.

    a. Elections to elect new officers is held at the October meeting. We will be looking for nominations at the next meeting (September).

  7. New Business

    a. Donovan debriefed TARC on the Fiestas and Car Show Events during late July and August 10. Town of Taos takes lightning very seriously and had to clear the park during Fiestas. Our role was supporting the vendors’ incoming and exiting the park. We performed a similar role during the Car Show. Dwight Yoakum (8/24) is the next summer event. Donovan indicated that more volunteers will be needed.

    b. Nobody showed for the FCC License Testing on 7/27. The next planned test will be 11/9. TARC will accommodate all who are interested in becoming hams.

    c. Philmont – Brian (NB5R) indicated that they are trying to get a permanent station built.

    d. The club purchased 8 additional BridgeCom HTs, mics, and batteries. We were not able to get the gang chargers and are still looking for those. We will buy more ear pieces but that is a separate item. All this equipment is used to support the Town of Taos and other events.

  8. Old Business

    a. Grants Update – Keith (K5FS) thinks that due to the mailing fiasco, i.e. delivered to multiple wrong addresses and delayed, the paperwork was probably not accepted. He had worked hard to put together a very good application but this was not to be this time. Keith and others will continue to look for other opportunities.

    b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No Updates

    c. ARES update – As a club, we practice ARES. Tim setup a SAFE ALERT test. This was very successful, 8 people responded. Tim also learned how to add new members to the SAFE alert notification group (another application mastered!). Brian (NB5R) is involved with SAFE ALERT at the state level.

    d. David (KJ5DFQ) described his travels to the Teacher Institute Training Camp at ARRL (W1AW) headquarters in Newington, CT. There were 11 teachers present and a very motivational presenter. David was involved in creating the radios for the “fox hunt” in which he participated. He learned a lot and took home good ideas for his middle school students. David did give a good shoutout to TARC for their support of Education in Taos. He indicated that most of the other teachers had no idea about local radio clubs. We do have some older materials that ARRL supplied when we sent a teacher to ARRL training earlier in our existence. David is welcome to these. There will be another Science Fair at the Middle School in February 2025. David wants us to help as judges again. He will be teaching 111 kids this year and will need our support!

  9. Repeater Report/Update – Brian gave us updates on Iron Mountain, Picuris, SAM, Angel Fire, Red River and other places. There is planning and organizing going on for moving the Angel Fire and Red River repeaters. TARC has indicated to Brian that we can help with some of the tasks at the repeater sites. Ed (KF5EIG) asked about the move of the Holy Cross repeater to OPD. It will be done sometime and will be an improvement, as is the move of the Angel Fire repeater, because there is internet access at both sites. Brian has a lot of work on his plate but also is a great source of information.

  10. TARC unanimously agreed to spend another $500 to get the gang chargers and ear pieces.

  11. Business Meeting Close. Motion was made to approve by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by Don (K2WQ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

Taos Amateur Radio Club, August 14, 2024 Agenda

6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday

Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.

Optional potluck, 5:30.

6:10 Meeting Begins

  1. Sign-in

  2. Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.

  3. Approval of minutes for the meeting of July 10, 2024.

  4. Treasurer's Report - Don (K2WQ) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurers Report.

  5. President’s remarks: a) Officer Update

  6. New Business:

    a) Discussion/Debrief Town of Taos Summer Events, Donovan (K2AH)

    b) FCC License Testing Update of July 27th, Tim (W5TNM), Donovan (K2AH)

    c) Club Participation – Philmont, Tim (W5TNM)/Dale

    d) Update - Club purchase of additional HT’s

  7. Old Business:

    a) Grant(s) Update, Keith (K5FS)

    b) TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF)

    c) ARES Update – Kiri (K7KAH), Brian (NB5R) 8) Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)

  8. Net report listed below.

  9. Business Meeting Close

  10. Reminders:

    a) Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm.

Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net:

Analog: July 2024 Net

  1. W5TAO Gary 2. KF5TTO Greg 3. N5ATR Tom
  2. KB5NFT Dale 5. KF5OSA Daniel 6. KF5OSB Glen
  3. KI5AXU Karen 8. W5JHW John W 9. KI5MGR John H
  4. AL5LK Bill 11. KI5HKU Craig 12. KI6KGC Mike B
  5. W5TNM Tim 14. AG5QC Randy 15. AJ5W David
  6. K5GEO George 17. NM5MK Mike K 18. KE5CEJ Catherine
  7. W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)

DMR July 2024 Net

  1. W5JHW, John 2. NM5MK, Mike 3. W5GWR, Wayne
  2. KI5HKU, Craig 5. W5TNM, Tim 6. K5GEO, George (Net Control)

HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net:

Google Meets Teleconference or just call in: TaosARC Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm. Google Meet joining info Video call link:


Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 7-10-2024

@OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.

  2. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:10.

  3. Guest and member introductions, 14 members attended in person and 2 attended virtually.

  4. Approval of 6-12-2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion to approve by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Keith ((K5FS). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  5. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported a bank balance of $12,445.00. Motion to approve by Sheila (KI5IPS) and seconded by Randy (AG5QC). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  6. Tim (W5TNM) made the president’s remarks in Donovan’s absence. Donovan (K2AH) stepped up early in 2024 to fill the role of president. a. We are still looking for a new president. Elections to elect new officers is held at the October meeting. b. David is in transit to CT to attend ARRL training for school teachers. TARC is helping with expenses and ARRL is paying for the training. ARRL is a good organization and has resources into which clubs like us can tap.

  7. New Business

    a. Don (K2WQ) debriefed TARC on the 3 Town of Taos Summer Events during 4th of July Weekend. Attendance at the events ranged from 4500 to 5500. The weekend was mostly uneventful. Don mentioned the need for more volunteers. The town appreciates our assistance because we add value by assisting the police by providing additiional eyes and ears (we carry radios) and doing some easy tasks that free up the police for more important and dangerous tasks. The Town has 5 more events. TARC will need volunteers to support these events; more bodies for each event is good.

    b. There will be FCC License Testing on 7/27. Three people are sheduled to test. The next planned test will be 11/9/24. TARC will accommodate all who are interested in becoming hams.

    c. Philmont - Angel Fire/Eagles Nest. Dale (KB5NFT) described the 3 different stations that have been setup to show the scouts. They are using an ICOM 9700 with an 80m satellite antenna, an end fed, and “egg beaters” for UHF. They are mostly using FT8 but will use all modes and all bands. A lot of effort and expertise are available to help the scouts get started in Ham Radio. Dale, Mike (W5EVT) and Gary (N5GDR) are providing a great learning experience!

    d. We have 8 HTs that we use to support the Town of Taos and other events. These radios are all set up, charged up, and ready to go at all times. We have had them for several years and they have been very dependable and durable. There was discussion about the future of these radios and they may be coming to the end of their “shelf” lives. The club decided to buy 8 more with gang chargers and batteries so that we will have no problems supporting the community for several more years. It was a unanimous decision by TARC to spend about $4000 on this purchase.

  8. Old Business

    a. Grants Update – Keith (K5FS) filled out the paperwork and with some effort mailed/transmitted the documentation and it was received on time. He will find something out in 4 weeks or so. He is being proactive in anticipating the next steps.

    b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No Updates

    c. ARES update – As a club, we practice ARES. Tim will try to setup a SAFE ALERT test. He may have to get some input from Brian (NB5R).

    d. Field Day was held at OPD on June 22. Randy (AG5QC) attended our Field Day and joined the club. He has already been active on the UHF net and has helped at the July events. Everybody please welcome Randy to TARC. We are happy to have you!

  9. Repeater Report/Update – We will have a planning session at the next monthly meeting concerning work on SAM and Picurus Mountains. There was some discussion about moving the “hospital” repeater to the OPD. Brian may have to help us with all this work. There was also discussion about GMRS repeaters.

  10. The UHF net had 11 attendees and the DMR net had 7 attendees.

  11. One of our online guests had some comments. Justin (KF5JNX) indicated that he can hit the Picuris repeater from Chacon. Good to know!

  12. Business Meeting Close. Motion was made to approve by Greg (KF5TTO) and seconded by Don (K2WQ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

Taos Amateur Radio Club, July 10, 2024 Agenda

6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.

Optional potluck, 5:30.

6:10 Meeting Begins

  1. Sign-in

  2. Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.

  3. Approval of minutes for the meeting of June 2024.

  4. Treasurer's Report - Don (K2WQ) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurers Report.

  5. President’s remarks:

    a) Officer Update

  6. New Business:

    a) Debrief of Town of Taos Summer Events, Donovan (K2AH)/Don (K2WQ)

    b) Discussion to upcoming Town of Taos Summer Events, Donovan (K2AH)

    c) FCC License Testing July 27th, Tim (W5TNM), Donovan (K2AH)

    d) Club Participation – Philmont, Tim (W5TNM)

  7. Old Business:

    a) Grant(s) Update, Keith (K5FS)

    b) TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF)

    c) ARES Update – Kiri (K7KAH), Brian (NB5R)

    d) Field Day, June 22-23, 2024, recap

  8. Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)

  9. Net report listed below.

  10. Business Meeting Close

  11. Reminders: a) Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm. Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net:

Analog: June 2024 Net

  1. K5GEO, George R 2. W5JHW, John W 3. KI5MGR, John H
  2. NM5MK, Mike K 5. NM5RF, Zack 6. N5TSV, Mickey
  3. KJ5UR, Johnny 8. W5TNM, Tim 9. CE5CEJ, Catherine
  4. KJ5DFQ, David 11. W5GWR, Wayne (Net Control)

DMR June , 2024 Net

  1. NM5MK, Mike 2. N5TSV, Mickey 3. W5JHW, John
  2. W5TNM, Tim 5. KJ5DFQ, David 6. W5GWR, Wayne
  3. K5GEO, George (Net Control)

HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net:

Google Meets Teleconference or just call in: TaosARC Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm. Google Meet joining info Video call link:


Join by phone ‪(US) +1 401-903-4980‬ PIN: ‪462 501 710‬#‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 6-12-2024

OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.

  2. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:10.

  3. Guest and member introductions, 13 members attended in person and 2 attended by Google Meets.

  4. Approval of 5-8-2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion was made to approve by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Greg (KF5TTO). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  5. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported a bank balance of $11,966.24 with $446 of deposits and $713 of expenses. Treasury reports are posted at the meeting and Don will be happy to answer any questions. Motion was made to approve the Treasurer's report by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by Leonardo (KF5ORZ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  6. Donovan is still acting president and made the president’s remarks.

    a. The club is still working on finding a member to take over as president.

  7. New Business

    a. Mike (NM5MK) designed TARC Business Cards with some input from various members. We ordered 250 cards that TARC can use to hand out at the events at which we work. Cards have club information and space to enter TARC member call sign, phone, email, etc.

    b. Discussion to support Town of Taos Summer Events. Donovan (K2AH) met with Town of Taos Event staff. The Town would like support for up to 8 events. TARC will need voluntees to support these events; more bodies for each event is good. Donovan has sent an email with the events and is waiting for the specific times for each event. There was discussion about ear phones we use at the events.

    c. FCC License Testing Update on 6/8. There was one candidate that unfortunately failed the exam. The next scheduled FCC License Test is July 27th and again in November. However TARC is anxious to help with new hams and will try to be accommodating.

    d. Participation – Philmont, Angel Fire/Eagles Nest. Tim (W5TNM) has been talking with our contact Dale (KB5NFT) about attendance at Philmont and parades. Attendance is limited and there is no parade in Taos.

  8. Old Business

    a. TARC got 16th place in the NM QSO Party and received a certificate. This will be printed off, framed and placed at OPD.

    b. Grants Update – Keith (K5FS) filled out the paperwork and with some effort mailed/transmitted the documentation and it was received on time. He will find something out in 4 weeks or so.

    c. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No Updates

    d. ARES update – No Updates

    e. Field Day will be held at OPD on June 22. We will have food, get a radio working out in the street and have some radios running at the club. We are encouraging guests to attend.

  9. Repeater Report/Update – Brian (NB5R) has work to do on SAM and Picurus Mountains but will not be available until August or September. Mickey (N5TSV) recommends that TARC move the “mickey” repeater to OPD. Several members think that is a good solution. There was some discussion. We should be able to make the connections to Angel Fire and Taos Ski Valley happen.

  10. Dale will be in Eagle Nest all of July and will be at Philmont several times. He is arranging for 3 hams from Indianapolis to operate many different modes with 2 “egg beaters” 30’ high for satellite communication, an end fed, and a DX antenna at Philmont from 7/8 thru 7/18. There will be many hams present. TARC is welcome. Everybody has to take the “YPT” training to participate in activities at Philmont. Please reach out to Dale for more information.

  11. Business Meeting Close. Motion was made to approve by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Bill (AI5LK). Vote was unanimous with no objections

Taos Amateur Radio Club, June12, 2024 Agenda

6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.

Optional potluck, 5:30.

6:10 Meeting Begins

1) Sign-in

2) Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.

3) Approval of minutes for the meeting of May 2024.

4) Treasurer's Report - Don (K2WQ) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurers Report.

5) President’s remarks:

a) Officer Update

6) New Business:

a) Business Cards for information purposes, Update, Donovan (K2AH)

b) Discussion to Support Town of Taos Summer Events, Donovan (K2AH)

c) FCC License Testing Update, Tim (W5TNM), Donovan (K2AH)

d) Participation – Philmont, Angel Fire/Eagles Nest, Tim (W5TNM)

7) Old Business:

a) NM QSO Party Update, Certificate for Club, Donovan (K2AH)

b) Grant(s) Update, Keith (K5FS)

c) TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF)

d) ARES Update – Kiri (K7KAH), Brian (NB5R)

e) Field Day, June 22-23, 2024, ideas for location

8) Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)

9) Net report listed below.

10) Business Meeting Close

11) Reminders:

a) Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm.

Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net:

Analog: April 2024 Net

1. KI5HKU Craig 2. KC2SHO Jon 3. KI5HKU Karen

4. KJ5ANE Jane 5. NM5DF Darien 6. KF5TTO Greg

7. KF5EIG Ed 8. W5JHW John 9. NM5MK Mike

10. KI5MGR John 11. W5TNM Tim 12. W5TAO Gary

13. NM5RF Zach 14. K5GEO George 15. W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)

DMR May , 2024 Net

1. W5JHW, John 2. NM5MK, Mike 3. W5TAO, Gary

4. W5TNM, Tim 5. W5GWR, Wayne 6. K5GEO, George (Net Control)

HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net:

Google Meets Teleconference or just call in:

TaosARC Monthly Meeting

2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm.

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:


Join by phone

‪(US) +1 401-903-4980‬ PIN: ‪462 501 710‬#‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/pmo-zvdc-hym?pin=8535535656864

Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 5-8-2024

May 8, 2024 OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Potluck started at 5:30. Donovan (K2AH) thanked everybody who contributed to the meal.

  2. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:13 pm

  3. Guest and member introductions, 11 members attended. There was one guest.

  4. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes held on 4/10/2024. Motion for approval by John (W5JHW) and seconded by Tim (W5TNM), vote was unanimous with no objections.

  5. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported our bank balance of $12489.65 with some of expenses for the month. He also mentioned that there were small donations from members, Kroger, and $900 from a LANL cyber grant. He also indicated that he has created a “Month to Meeting” report which shows current activity. This and other reports are posted in the club. He also thanked the members for donations and membership. Motion for approval by Tim (W5TNM) and seconded by Mike (NM5MK), vote was unanimous with no objections.

  6. Donovan(K2AH) is still acting president and made the president's remarks:

    a. No updates for new, full time president, we are still looking!

    b. Donovan discussed how Mike (NM5MK) had done some research on Business Cards for TARC. These would be “universal” where our contact information could be put on the back, if desired. Several people mentioned that is an easy way to “spread the word” about the club and that we could do this by having some cards in our vests when we are doing an event for the town. There was a motion to spend around $100.00 for the cards by Donovan (K2AH), approved by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Tim, vote was unanimous with no objections.

  7. New Business:

    a. David (KJ5DFQ) completed and sent in the application for the ARRL training in Connecticut. The club is hopeful and really trying to help David get accepted. He is a great candidate and has much enthusiasm that he shares with his students on a daily basis. ARRL will pay for the training and a motion was made by Don and seconded by Ed to cover $1000- 1500 of the other expenses, vote was unanimous with no objections.

    b. Keith (K5FS) gave us the latest on our LANL grant. Unfortunately, we did not receive any money. It appears that this year’s focus on grant award was continuing operations vs projects. The Taos schools did not receive any grant money. Keith put a ton of effort into this LANL grant and he still has some hope securing grants from the Frost Foundation, ARDC, or ARRL. He had some ideas like repeater infrastructure, commonality of components, coherent plan for connection the “Enchanted Circle”, etc. that could be presented to these entities.

    c. Donovan mentioned that there is another science fair taking place at Arroyo del Norte Elementary school on 5/15 and 5/17. Tim, Karen (KI5AXU), and Keith plan on attending. They may bring the “Radio in the Box” on Friday, 5/17.

    d. There will be a license test on Saturday, June 8 at OPD. We will try to get the news to “Tempo” and “Spark”.

  8. Old Business:

    a. Twirl Invent Event, Saturday April 13, 12pm – 4pm. Event was held at Enos Garcia Elementary School. Tim, Donovan, and David (KJ5DFQ) were there. David was there in an official capacity as STEM teacher. Tim and Donovan brought a table and banner and were equipped with 2m radios. About 1100 people attended and most activity was inside.

    b. NM QSO Party, Saturday April 13, 8am – 8pm. Gary (W5TAO) and Ed (KF5EIG) manned KF5PFO (OPD Station) transmitters. Gary got one of the HF verticals working and we participated in the contest. We stayed on 20m for the most part and heard a lot of stations and made over 30 QSOs. We tried 10, 15, and 40 but 20m gave us the most success. We also worked 2m. We have forwarded our results to the NM QSO Party organizers.

    c. Brian and Tim are working on signs for our shacks on SAM and Picuris. This is a work in progress. Don (K2WQ) is doing research and using his other technical skills to get the “Google Phone” number operational.

    d. No update on TARC’s presence on Facebook and Instagram.

    e. ARES Update – no update.

    f. Field Day, June 22-23: Donovan is working with the Family and Youth Center on securing Kit Carson Park for our Field Day.

  9. The “Enchanted Circle” repeaters, Red River, Angel Fire, HC Hospital, TSV(?) were discussed at length. Ed asked a question about connectivity and there was much discussion about linking/unlinking repeaters, special radios involved etc. Mike (NM5MK) had a lot of knowledge about this. Megalink, the ISS, other amateur satellites, “egg beaters”, and satellite radios were all part of this very good discussion. The feeling was that we should do an “Enchanted Circle” test. Particulars, dates, etc were not determined. Gary (W5TAO) brought up some issues with Megalink connectivity that kind of fit into the repeater discussion.

  10. TARC will be involved in city events on July 3 and 4, 2024.

  11. Net Report: UHF Net occurs every 4th Wednesday @7pm on the Picuris Repeater. HF Net occurs every 4th Friday @8pm on 80M. May Nets have not met yet.

  12. Reminder – Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm

  13. Business Meeting Close. Motion by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by Don (K2WQ), was unanimous with no objections. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm

Taos Amateur Radio Club, May 8, 2024 Agenda

6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.

Optional potluck, 5:30.

6:10 Meeting Begins

  1. Sign-in

  2. Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.

  3. Approval of minutes for the meeting of April 2024.

  4. Treasurer's Report - Don (K2WQ) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurers Report.

  5. President’s remarks:

    a. Officer Update

  6. New Business:

    a. Business Cards for information purposes, Mike (NM5MK) b. ARRL Teacher Update, Tim (W5TNM)

  7. Old Business:

    a. Twirl Invent Event- Recap, Tim (W5TNM) & Donovan (K2AH)

    b. NM QSO Party Recap, Ed (KF5EIG) & Gary (K5TAO)

    c. Grant(s) Update, Keith (K5FS)

    d. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF)

    e. ARES Update – Kiri (K7KAH), Brian (NB5R)

    f. Field Day, June 22-23, 2024, ideas for location

  8. Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)

  9. Net report listed below.

  10. Business Meeting Close

  11. Reminders: a) Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm.

Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net: Analog: April 2024 Net

  1. KI5HKU Craig 2. KC2SHO Jon 3. KI5HKU Karen
  2. KJ5ANE Jane 5. NM5DF Darien 6. KF5TTO Greg
  3. KF5EIG Ed 8. W5JHW John 9. NM5MK Mike
  4. KI5MGR John 11. W5TNM Tim 12. W5TAO Gary
  5. NM5RF Zach 14. K5GEO George 15. W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)

DMR April , 2024 Net

1.) W5TAO, Gary 2.) W5JHW, John 3.) W5GWR, Wayne 4.) NM5MK, Mike 5.) KI5HKU, Craig 6.) W5TNM, Tim 7.) K5GEO, George (Net Control)

HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net:

Google Meets Teleconference or just call in: TaosARC Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm. Google Meet joining info Video call link:


Join by phone ‪(US) +1 401-903-4980‬ PIN: ‪462 501 710‬#‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/pmo-zvdc-hym?pin=8535535656864

NOTE: 2 fund raising methods below: Bridgecom Affiliate, and Smith’s Grocery.

======================================================================== Purchases from Bridgecom can benefit the club for 5% of this link is used. https://www.bridgecomsystems.com/?ref=ame1o2sv9r

Smith’s Kroger: Some of us have been having trouble linking to Smiths/Kroger to select Taos ARC for automatic donations. The key may be selecting your preferred store (Taos) then finding TARC. Detailed instructions follow:

  1. Create a digital account. A digital account is needed to participate in Smith’s Inspiring Donations. If you already have a digital account, simply link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all transactions apply toward the organization you choose.
  2. Link your Card to an organization. Selecting the organization that you wish to support is as simple as updating the Smith’s Inspiring Donations selection on your digital account.
  3. Sign into your digital account.
  4. Search for your organization here. (Note, if you are a customer make sure you have a preferred store selected to view participating organizations).
  5. Enter the name or NPO number of the organization you wish to support (TARC is PT507).
  6. Select the appropriate organization from the list and click “Save”. Your selected organization will also display in the Smith’s Inspiring Donations section of your account. If you need to review or revisit your organization, you can always do so under your Account details.
  7. Your organization earns. Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Smith’s Inspiring Donations will donate 0.5% of all eligible spending to organizations that customers have linked to their Rewards Card.


Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 4-10-2024

April 10, 2024 OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Potluck started at 5:30. Donovan (K2AH) thanked everybody who contributed to the meal.

  2. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:18 pm

  3. Guest and member introductions, 13 members attended. There was one virtual attendee, Zach from Angel Fire (NM5RF). There were no guests.

  4. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes held on 3/13/2024. Motion for approval by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Tim (W5TNM), vote was unanimous with no objections.

  5. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported our bank balance of $11698.11 with $378 of expenses for the month. He also mentioned that there were small donations from members, Bridgecom, and $250 from a cyber grant. He also indicated that he posts various monthly reports in the club. He also thanked the members for donations and membership. Motion to approve the report made by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by Kieth (K5FS), vote was unanimous with no objections.

  6. Brian (NB5R) told us of a recent/ongoing incident. Possibly some technician crossed some wires or inadvertently modified some software at the repeater site. Brian and others are working the problem.

  7. Donovan(K2AH) is still acting president and made the president's remarks:

    a. No updates for new, full time president, we are still searching...

    b. Donovan asked for a show of hands for 2 credit cards to be issued. Donovan and the treasurer will get the cards. The membership agreed with this request. Currently Mike (KF5KGC), the former president had the bank card. Donovan will go to the bank to take care of the account.

  8. New Business:

    a. Twirl Invent Event, Saturday April 13, 12pm – 4pm. Event will be held at Enos Garcia Elementary School. Tim (W5TNM) will be there and David (KJ5DFQ) will be there in an official capacity as STEM teacher. The club’s involvement will be TBD.

    b. NM QSO Party, Saturday April 13, 8am – 8pm. Donovan mentioned that TARC members will be at OPD at around 8:30am. Gary (W5TAO) indicated that he will be at OPD.

    c. David (KJ5DFQ) has an after school STEM session on Wednesdays. Usually, around 3:15 he is operating on the Picuris repeater and lets students participate in QSOs. Various club members (today Zach (W5ZAC)) are listening and are on the other end of the QSOs. David also mentioned that the TARC’s participation at the Middle School Science was well received and appreciated. Each student talked with at least 3 judges. Good Stuff!

    d. Brian and Tim are working on signs for our shacks on SAM and Picuris. The signs have some USFS and other requirements like contact information. Don (K2WQ) is doing research and using his other technical skills to get a TARC “Google Phone” number. A permanent phone number is needed on the signs.

  9. Old Business:

    a. Keith (K5FS) mentioned that he is waiting on word from LANL about our grant. LANL will announce our standing on April 15, 2024.

    b. No update on TARC’s presence on Facebook and Instagram.

    c. ARES Update – no update. However, with the winds starting to blow, it would be great to set up a “Safe Alert”. Brian mentioned that there is a new “Safe Aler” app.

    d. Field Day, June 22-23, Ideas for location: last year “Field Day” was held at Kit Carson Park. ECO Park, Rec Center on Paseo del Canon, OPD, and Kit Carson Park were all mentioned as possible locations. We may have to reach out to Linda M. if a town location in used. Linda is now head of the Parks and Recreation. Parks and Rec are now operated out of the Family and Youth center on Paseo del Canon. Donovan is working on this contact.

  10. Membership Dues: Ed (KF5EIG) said that 28 people have paid so far in 2024. The dues are due in March every year. Best way to determine membership is at year end due to the Paypal “Autopay” feature.

  11. MEGALINK was not discussed.

  12. Net Report: UHF Net occurs every 4th Wednesday @7pm on the Picuris Repeater. HF Net occurs every 4th Friday @8pm on 80M. April Nets have not met yet.

  13. Reminder – Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm

  14. Business Meeting Close. Motion by Mickey(N5TSV) and seconded by Zach (W5ZAC), was unanimous with no objections. Meeting adjourned at 6:48 pm

Taos Amateur Radio Club, April 10, 2024 Agenda

6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.

Optional potluck, 5:30.

6:10 Meeting Begins

  1. Sign-in

  2. Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.

  3. Approval of minutes for the April 2024 meeting.

  4. Treasurer's Report - Don (K2WQ) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurers Report.

  5. President’s remarks: a) Officer Update

  6. New Business: a) Twirl Invent Event- Saturday, April 13th, 12pm-4pm. Idea’s, Volunteers/Lead b) NM QSO Party, Saturday, April 13th 8am-8pm

  7. Old Business: a) TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF). b) ARES Update – Kiri (K7KAH), Brian (NB5R). c) Field Day, June 22-23, 2024, ideas for location.

  8. Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)

  9. Net report listed below.

  10. Business Meeting Close

  11. Reminders: a) Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm.

Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net:

Analog: February 2024 Net 1. W5ZAC Zac 2. KF5OSB Glen 3. KF5TTO Greg 4. K5GEO George 5. W5JHW John W 6. KI5MGR John H 7. KJ5CGW Pat 8. W5TAO Gary 9. NM5RF Zach 10. W5TNM Tim 11. AI5LK Bill 12. KF5EIG Ed 13. KJ5BCO Pax 14. W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)

DMR February , 2024 Net 1. W5GWR Wayne 2. W5JHW John 3. W5TAO Gary 5. W5TNM Tim 6. K5GEO George (Net Control)

HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net: 1. N5BGC Alan 2. KF5EIG Ed 3. W5TAO GaryF 4. N5TSV Mickey 5. W5GWR Wayne 6. W5TNM Tim 7. K5FS Keith8 8. KI5HKU Craig. 9. N5GDR Gary (Net Control)

Google Meets Teleconference or just call in: TaosARC Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm. Google Meet joining info Video call link:


Join by phone ‪(US) +1 401-903-4980‬ PIN: ‪462 501 710‬#‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/pmo-zvdc-hym?pin=8535535656864

NOTE: 2 fund raising methods below: Bridgecom Affiliate, and Smith’s Grocery.

======================================================================== Purchases from Bridgecom can benefit the club for 5% of this link is used. https://www.bridgecomsystems.com/?ref=ame1o2sv9r

Smith’s Kroger: Some of us have been having trouble linking to Smiths/Kroger to select Taos ARC for automatic donations. The key may be selecting your preferred store (Taos) then finding TARC. Detailed instructions follow:

  1. Create a digital account. A digital account is needed to participate in Smith’s Inspiring Donations. If you already have a digital account, simply link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all transactions apply toward the organization you choose.
  2. Link your Card to an organization. Selecting the organization that you wish to support is as simple as updating the Smith’s Inspiring Donations selection on your digital account.
  3. Sign into your digital account.
  4. Search for your organization here. (Note, if you are a customer make sure you have a preferred store selected to view participating organizations).
  5. Enter the name or NPO number of the organization you wish to support (TARC is PT507).
  6. Select the appropriate organization from the list and click “Save”. Your selected organization will also display in the Smith’s Inspiring Donations section of your account. If you need to review or revisit your organization, you can always do so under your Account details.
  7. Your organization earns. Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Smith’s Inspiring Donations will donate 0.5% of all eligible spending to organizations that customers have linked to their Rewards Card. end