OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571
Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.
Sign in. Meeting began at 6:15.
Guest and member introductions, 15 members attended in person and 2 attended virtually.
Approval of August 14, 2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion was made to approve by Mike (KI6KGC) and seconded by John (WB5Q). Vote was unanimous with no objections.
Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) was not in attendance but he forwarded reports to leadership. Donovan reported a bank balance of $13,313.75, with $671.48 in deposits and $2120.77 in expenses. Motion was made to approve by Tim (W5TNM) and seconded by Leonardo (KF5ORZ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.
Vice President Donovan (K2AH) made the president’s remarks. a. He will email a ballot with nominations to the group. b. Elections to elect new officers is held at the October meeting.
New Business
a. Donovan debriefed TARC on the Dwight Yoakum concert. The opening act played a set and then the Mavericks came on stage around 6pm. During their third song, the heavens opened up and it poured for several hours. The event was called off and Dwight Yoakum did not play.
b. Upcoming events are Paseo Project, 10/3 – 10/6 and Halloween on the Plaza and Bent Street. Placement of volunteers for the Halloween event is tricky due to Camino de la Placitas being part of the environment. Lots of kids and parents attend.
c. The next planned test will be Nov 11, 2024. However, TARC will accommodate all who are interested in becoming hams.
d. John (W5BQ) mentioned that there are 2 hamfests coming up. One is in Albuquerque and the other in Socorro. The event at Socorro may provide an opportunity to visit the VLA.
Old Business
a. Grants Update – No updates.
b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No updates
c. ARES update – No updates
d. David (KJ5DFQ) described some successes in getting his middle schoolers interested in Ham Radio and electronics. Four students have indicated interest in getting ham licenses. David would like some of TARC to come to school at some point and talk about Ham Radio and testing. He has taken a study guide and will continue to stoke interest. Great job David!
Repeater Report/Update – nothing pressing.
Business Meeting Close. Motion was made to approve by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by David (KJ5DFQ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.