6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571
We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.
Optional potluck, 5:30.
6:10 Meeting Begins
Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.
Approval of minutes for the meeting of August 14, 2024.
Treasurer's Report - Don (K2WQ) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurers Report.
President’s remarks: a) Officer Update
New Business: a) Discussion/Debrief Dwight Yoakum Concert event, Don (K2WQ) b) Upcoming Town Events, Planning/Discussion, Donovan (K2AH) c) US Forest Service Inventory Reports, Tim (W5TNM), Donovan (K2AH)
Old Business: a) Grant(s) Update, Keith (K5FS) b) TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF) c) ARES Update – Kiri (K7KAH), Brian (NB5R)
Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)
Net report listed below.
Business Meeting Close
Reminders: a ) Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm.
Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net:
Analog: August 2024 Net
- KF5TTO Greg 2. KI5AXU Karen 3. K5GEO George
- KF5EIG Ed 5. NM5MK Mike 6. W5JHW John
- KC5MUO Frank 8. N5TSV Mickey 9. W5TAO Gary
- W5TNM Tim 11. KE5CEJ Catherine 12. W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)
DMR July 2024 Net
- N5TSV, Mickey 2. NM5MK, Mike 3. W5TAO, Gary
- W5TNM, Tim 5. W5GWR, Wayne 6. W5JHW, John
- K5GEO, George (Net Control)
HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net:
Google Meets Teleconference or just call in: TaosARC Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm. Google Meet joining info Video call link: