Taos Amateur Radio Club, September 11, 2024 Agenda

6:10 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos NM 87571

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and Google Meets for your choice. Note the new link and phone number at the bottom of the agenda.

Optional potluck, 5:30.

6:10 Meeting Begins

  1. Sign-in

  2. Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name.

  3. Approval of minutes for the meeting of August 14, 2024.

  4. Treasurer's Report - Don (K2WQ) Expense summary, balance. Approval of Treasurers Report.

  5. President’s remarks: a) Officer Update

  6. New Business: a) Discussion/Debrief Dwight Yoakum Concert event, Don (K2WQ) b) Upcoming Town Events, Planning/Discussion, Donovan (K2AH) c) US Forest Service Inventory Reports, Tim (W5TNM), Donovan (K2AH)

  7. Old Business: a) Grant(s) Update, Keith (K5FS) b) TARC social media FB and Instagram presence, Darien (NM5DF) c) ARES Update – Kiri (K7KAH), Brian (NB5R)

  8. Repeater Report/Update – NB5R, (KF5PFO)

  9. Net report listed below.

  10. Business Meeting Close

  11. Reminders: a ) Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1st Sunday, 7pm.

Picuris VHF/UHF NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM Net:

Analog: August 2024 Net

  1. KF5TTO Greg 2. KI5AXU Karen 3. K5GEO George
  2. KF5EIG Ed 5. NM5MK Mike 6. W5JHW John
  3. KC5MUO Frank 8. N5TSV Mickey 9. W5TAO Gary
  4. W5TNM Tim 11. KE5CEJ Catherine 12. W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)

DMR July 2024 Net

  1. N5TSV, Mickey 2. NM5MK, Mike 3. W5TAO, Gary
  2. W5TNM, Tim 5. W5GWR, Wayne 6. W5JHW, John
  3. K5GEO, George (Net Control)

HF Net Friday, 8PM, follows the 4th Wed Net:

Google Meets Teleconference or just call in: TaosARC Monthly Meeting 2nd Wednesday, · 6:00 – 8:00pm. Google Meet joining info Video call link:
