OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571
Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.
Sign in. Meeting began at 6:10.
Guest and member introductions, 16 members attended in person and 1 attended on line.
Approval of 7-10-2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion was made to approve by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Tim (W5TNM). Vote was unanimous with no objections.
Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported a balance of $12,689.25. Motion was made to approve by Greg (KF5TTO) and seconded by Ed (KF5EIG),
Vice President Donovan (K2AH) made the president’s remark.
a. Elections to elect new officers is held at the October meeting. We will be looking for nominations at the next meeting (September).
New Business
a. Donovan debriefed TARC on the Fiestas and Car Show Events during late July and August 10. Town of Taos takes lightning very seriously and had to clear the park during Fiestas. Our role was supporting the vendors’ incoming and exiting the park. We performed a similar role during the Car Show. Dwight Yoakum (8/24) is the next summer event. Donovan indicated that more volunteers will be needed.
b. Nobody showed for the FCC License Testing on 7/27. The next planned test will be 11/9. TARC will accommodate all who are interested in becoming hams.
c. Philmont – Brian (NB5R) indicated that they are trying to get a permanent station built.
d. The club purchased 8 additional BridgeCom HTs, mics, and batteries. We were not able to get the gang chargers and are still looking for those. We will buy more ear pieces but that is a separate item. All this equipment is used to support the Town of Taos and other events.
Old Business
a. Grants Update – Keith (K5FS) thinks that due to the mailing fiasco, i.e. delivered to multiple wrong addresses and delayed, the paperwork was probably not accepted. He had worked hard to put together a very good application but this was not to be this time. Keith and others will continue to look for other opportunities.
b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No Updates
c. ARES update – As a club, we practice ARES. Tim setup a SAFE ALERT test. This was very successful, 8 people responded. Tim also learned how to add new members to the SAFE alert notification group (another application mastered!). Brian (NB5R) is involved with SAFE ALERT at the state level.
d. David (KJ5DFQ) described his travels to the Teacher Institute Training Camp at ARRL (W1AW) headquarters in Newington, CT. There were 11 teachers present and a very motivational presenter. David was involved in creating the radios for the “fox hunt” in which he participated. He learned a lot and took home good ideas for his middle school students. David did give a good shoutout to TARC for their support of Education in Taos. He indicated that most of the other teachers had no idea about local radio clubs. We do have some older materials that ARRL supplied when we sent a teacher to ARRL training earlier in our existence. David is welcome to these. There will be another Science Fair at the Middle School in February 2025. David wants us to help as judges again. He will be teaching 111 kids this year and will need our support!
Repeater Report/Update – Brian gave us updates on Iron Mountain, Picuris, SAM, Angel Fire, Red River and other places. There is planning and organizing going on for moving the Angel Fire and Red River repeaters. TARC has indicated to Brian that we can help with some of the tasks at the repeater sites. Ed (KF5EIG) asked about the move of the Holy Cross repeater to OPD. It will be done sometime and will be an improvement, as is the move of the Angel Fire repeater, because there is internet access at both sites. Brian has a lot of work on his plate but also is a great source of information.
TARC unanimously agreed to spend another $500 to get the gang chargers and ear pieces.
Business Meeting Close. Motion was made to approve by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by Don (K2WQ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.