OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571
Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.
Sign in. Meeting began at 6:10.
Guest and member introductions, 17members attended in person.
Approval of 9-11-2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion was made to approve by Sheila (KI5IPS) and seconded by Randy (AG5QC). Vote was unanimous with no objections.
Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported a bank balance of $14,397.21, with $1200.00 in deposits and $270 in expenses. Motion was made to approve by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by Keith (K5FS). Vote was unanimous with no objections.
Vice President Donovan (K2AH) made the president’s remarks.
a. Donovan went over the emailed nominations and then took a voice vote for each nominee.
b. The results of the election of TARC board members for 2025 are shown below:
- President – Donovan K2AH
- Vice President – Don K2WQ
- Secretary – Mike NM5NK
- Treasurer – Ed KF5EIG
- Immediate Past President – Tim W5TNM
- Trustee Multi-Term – Brian NB5R
- Grants – Vote Tabeled
- STEM – David KJ5DFQ
- Events and Maintenance – Darien NM5DF
All new board members were elected by a unanimous show of hands. New positions are effective January 1, 2025. Approval of these minutes (October 9.2024) will finalize the election results and make them official.
c. Tim (W5TNM) indicated that our website has not been updated for a while. It still has old pictures, etc. Some members of the board are able to make updates. May be a good idea to look into this by the end of the year.
New Business
a. ED debriefed TARC on the Taos HS Homecoming Parade. We were asked to help at the last minute. Ed attended and met with the High School, Town, Police, Roads, and Emergency Management people. They told me that they would need 10 to 12 of us. This was going the be a big event, 3-5000 people, 20 floats, Fire Trucks, Police Cars, all sorts of powerful trucks towing the floats. Roads were going to be blocked. There was a very good briefing with all the above people prior to the event. A detailed document was distributed and this helped TARC position our radio operators. We were stationed where the Police weren’t and we added extra eyes, ears, and communication. The organizers appreciated our efforts. Thanks to all of TARC for great participation on a short notice! We did get 11-12 volunteers.
b. One more upcoming event is the Halloween Trunk or Treat on the Plaza and Bent Street. This will be held on 10/31/24, from 3 – 6pm. Placement of volunteers for the Halloween event is tricky due to Camino de la Placitas being part of the environment. This event was well attended last year. The organizers would like 10-12 volunteers.
c. The next planned FCC License test will be Nov. 9, 2024at 10am @OPD.
d. The US Forest Service Inventory Report has been completed for our presence on Picuris and San Antonio Mountain. The USFS has acknowleged receipt of the report.
e. Brian (NB5R) indicated that Picuris looks ok but will need some work in the future.
f. Donovan and Mike (NM5MK) met with the Emergency Management Folks at Taos County Emergency Management in Llano Quemado. Tarc will make plans to assist the county staff to insure the radio equipment is functional.
Old Business
a. Grants Update – Some anticipatory work is being done.
b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No updates
c. ARES update – No updates
d. David (KJ5DFQ) got some of his middle schoolers on QSOs with TARC while we were waiting for the parade to start. Some of them have the Phonetic Alphabet memorized so that they can clearly identify themselves on the air. Way to go students!
Repeater Report/Update – Brian has the Red River Repeater sitting in his shop waiting for a new placement. He was hoping to put it at “Sawmill” because it gives better coverage of the upper canyon and back country. Brian has a loaner repeater at Angel File. He is putting new repeaters for the PD and FD up above the AF golf course. He would also like to put the AF Ham repeater in the same area. He is waiting on delivery of an antenna and procuring an FCC license. Don mentioned it would be great to have a GMRS repeater on Sawmill.
Business Meeting Close. Motion was made to approve by David and seconded by Randy (AG5QC). Vote was unanimous with no objections.