Monthly Nets
Monthly Nets are held on the 4th Wednesday beginning @7:00pm.
The Analog Net is first using the Picuris Repeater @ 147.12+/67Hz
Followed by the DMR Net using the Picuris DMR Repeater @
442. 175+/5 MHz CC5 TS2 TG 715 local
Net Script
For Reference Only
Good evening, Taos ARC and guests. This is the Taos Amateur Radio Club net held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 mountain via the Picuris repeater. My call sign is W5GWR and the name is Wayne. I will be net control for this evening, and I will soon be calling for check-ins. Pause.
I will start the check-in process by calling for mobile radio operators. Next, I will ask for local stations by the first letter of the suffix of your call sign in groups. This is based on the first letter after your number. I will go A-G, H-M, N-T, and U-Z. In my call sign, W5GWR, my number is 5 and the first letter after is G. Therefore, I would call in on the first of the four groups, A-G. Pause
If you're unsure how the new check-in process works, don't worry. Simply wait until the U-Z group finishes checking in, and I will call for any additional local traffic. When I call for additional traffic, you can check in at this time. Lastly, I will call for Echolink check-ins. Pause
When calling in, state your call sign first, followed by your name. If you have no traffic to report, you can announce "in and out" at that time, but you will still be logged in. If I don't acknowledge your call sign and name, please call in again. Pause.
And lastly, we're getting to that time of year where we don't want to tax our Picuris battery power too much, so I will be omitting the check-in process instructions starting next month for the duration of the winter. I will have the process posted on our website. Look for Net Script under Resources/Monthly Nets. Pause.