Taos Amateur Radio Club Echolink: K5LEW-R on Picuris Echolink Access
What is it?
Echolink is a combination of internet and radio services. Echolink will give you access to nodes/repeaters on all continents except Antarctica, as there are no fixed nodes there. Currently (March 2020) there are 1,297 European, 2,914 North American, and hundreds of Oceania nodes, as well as nodes for other continents. Echolink is supported by a team that provides free accounts.
You must have an Echolink account to get on Echolink. You will need the “official” license, not a reference copy to prove you are the operator. If you did not save the original license copy, you will have to logon to the FCC CORES system to obtain an official license copy. EOnce accepted you will be assigned a node name and will have a password.
How to access
Access to the network via phone (see gallery below for example screen)
From a laptop or computer (
Note: When using DTMF an Echolink account is not required. DTMF commands from your radio are provided at the end of this instruction set – Repeater may not accept your DTMF codes from HT’s as it is very sensitive to noise and pauses in key punching. The time out for DTMF is fairly tight, the recommendation is to save the DTMF string to avoid manual entry button pushes.
Club information
K5LEW-R Echolink Node: 828279
AllStarLink Node: 29324
Allstar node numbers with a leading 3 are reserved for the Echolink number space. Echolink node numbers have been prefixed with a 3 and padded out to 7 digits with leading zeroes. For instance, if you want to connect to Echolink node 1234 on the Allstar Link system you should dial *3 followed by 001234. If you have a 6 digit Echolink node number 123456, you would dial *3 followed by 123456. For users originating from an Echolink node using Echolink supplied software available is online EchoMac or SVXLink nothing changes just dial the 4 or 6 digit Echolink node number.
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