OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571 Optional Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.
Sign in. The meeting began at 6:07.
Guest and member introductions, 13 members attended in person.
Approval of 11-13-2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion was made to approve by Tim (W5TNM) and seconded by Leonardo (KF5ORZ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.
Treasurer's Report: Ed (KF5EIG) Updated Club Balances with month to meeting balance of 18,000.28, which inclused $852.52 in expenses and a grant of 3000.00. The club is in a sound financial position. Motion to approve by Shelia (KI5IPS), seconded by David (KJ5DFQ).
President’s Remarks: President Donovan (K2AH) made the President’s remarks and introduction.
a. License testing on Dec. 14 resulted in one new Technician License for Kenneth (KJ5JJQ). Tentative dates for 2025 testing are March 8, June 14, Sept 13, Nov 8 and Dec 13, and all media sources will be updated with dates. b. Rocky Mountain Ham will once again be hosting their annual Tech Fest on Feb 22 in Albuquerque, or via Zoom.
New Business:
a Donovan briefed TARC on the proposed USFS San Antonio Mountain Comm Site Plan. On the next trip to site, routine maintenance will need to be performed, as well as safety measures implemented. We will coordinate with Brian (NB5R) on our next trip to site.
Old Business
a. Grants Update: Keith (K5FS)– We will need to execute existing grant monies by the end of May 2025. Changing political events on the national level may impact the grant situation moving forward.
b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No updates from Darien (NM5DF).
c. ARES update: Donovan (K2AH) noted that we need to explore the possibility of a second (backup) assistant to Brian (NB5R) in his ARES role, looking for interested members. Brian (NB5R) informed the club of the basic duties for an assistant. The question was asked, and Brian updated the club on the activities of the Club mobilization during the Calf Canyon fire. The club had approximately 140 volunteer hours during the support role.
Repeater Report/Update: Brian (NB5R) indicated that we have 2 repeaters that need to be repurposed/relocated. He also gave updates on winter operations and impacts on the various repeaters.
David (KJ5DFQ) gave STEM update. Reiterated his thanks to the club for supporting his students on their Wednesday afternoon repeater check-in and use. He updated the status of his student’s, and the club supplied wiring and soldering kits, and is looking for support from club members on an upcoming robotics projects at New Mexico Tech. He announced Feb 7 Taos Middle School Science Fair and Expo and would welcome volunteers. Details of the event to follow via email.
Tim (W5TNM) updated the club on his Radio class that he is helping to conduct in Santa Fe, and that he will reach out for VE support if needed. He also explained the outreach to Taos Search and Rescue for future support if needed.
Business Meeting Close: Motion was made to approve by Tim (W5TNM) and seconded by Brian (NB5R).