TaosARC July 14, 2021 Agenda
6:00 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 6 Miranda Rd Ranchos De Taos, NM 87557
Watch for any changing Covid protocols. Optional pot luck, 5:30
6:00 Meeting Begins
1) Sign in
2) Reading of the minutes/approval
3) Treasurer's Report
Bank signers changed Balance is: __
Operating Expense Summary
TARC Expenses:
Due Amount Note
Monthly auto 708.00 SAM Kit Carson electric ($59 month 12)
Nov 126.00 US Forest Service (SAM rent)
Nov 126.00 US Forest Service (PIC rent)
Nov 72.00 Square – Website
Feb 76.00 PO Box
Feb 10.00 NM State Corp Commission
Apr 0.00 Taxes (Filing only)
Jun8 200.00 Annual insurance
Monthly auto 60.00 US Bank paper statements ($5 month 12)
1378.00 Approximate annual operating expenses
Operating Income
1000.00 Estimated dues (40*25)
500.00 Civil Air Patrol
1500.00 Approximate ordinary income
Net Operating Position
122.00 Uncommitted Cash
Other Income
72.00 Amazon Smile ($18 quarter)
1930.00 Cyber Grants
0.00 Smith Grocery
0.00 Bridgecom Affiliate
2124.00 Total estimated annual uncommitted cash
Committed Funds
5000.000 LANL Foundation Grant
12800.000 Richard P. Siegel Foundation
NA Changes in Cash Position – Not Available to General Fund
4) Presidents remarks
5) New Business
a) New Private Foundation Grant ($12.8K equipment) – Tom
▪ Equipment for alternative site
b) Board – Immediate Past President – Mike NM5MK, +1,
(Club is members, 4 officers, 2 Board Members)
c) SK Equipment Purchase $1,200.00 with unanimous board approval. Value $5K - Mike
d) Review revenue generation capability
▪ Amazon Smile, .05% (Information provided below), +/- $18 quarterly?
▪ Smith’s grocery store .05% $6.87, 1 family (Information provided below)
▪ Bridgecom Affiliate link on web page, 10%, $0 to date
▪ DX Engineering has no program
▪ Other – LANL Cyber Grants, donations, s +/-$2,500
▪ Dues & Civil Air Patrol, more less $1,500 per year, core operating income
e) Discussion on ByLaws proposal updated for Grants, as distributed 7/21/2021 (30 day curation)
6) Repeater Report – Brian & John
7) Old Business
a) Field day update – Thanks you Romero’s
b) Future agenda spot & physical spot for Siegel Foundation update - Tom
c) LANL Foundation Update - Tim
d) Cimarron Chamber of Commerce Outreach (7/4 week) - Dale
e) Pueblo School Update (7/19 week planned) - Dale
f) TBD
8) Other Business
a) Nets, 4th Wednesday 7PM, Picuris Mountain 147.120+, 67.0 analog, DMR 442. 175 (+5 MHZ0 CC5 TS2 TG 715 local)
b) Next ARRL Test, 8/14/2021, 10am at the EOC.
9) Adjourn / Close
Attachments 1, 2, 3 below:
Attachment1: (as distributed 6/21/2021)
Pending ByLaw Changes - Discussion in the 7/14/2021 Meeting
June 21, 2021
Section 5.10 (c.) SPENDING AUTHORITY AND LIMITS (EXCEPT FOR GRANTS) (i.) The President or designee may spend up to: 1.) $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) without prior authorization. 2.) Between $501.00 (Five Hundred One Dollars) and $1499.00 (One Thousand Four Ninety-Nine Dollars) Board approval is required. 3.) $1500.00 (One Thousand Five Dollars) and above, the general voting membership must approve. 4.) Amounts above $1500.00 (One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars) require formal written proposals and be submitted to the membership in writing via email and voted upon at the next regular meeting. (d.) SPENDING AUTHORITY AND LIMITS FOR GRANTS (ii.) All grants, earmarked and non-earmarked, must be accepted by club vote. Any submission prior to a regular club meeting must be presented at the next club meeting and have the majority of the officers approve a pre-submission. The club vote is the final decision for submission or withdrawal. (iii.) Upon grant funding, the President or designee or grantee may spend said funds as follows: 1.) Non-earmarked grants may be spent by club vote and in accordance with the spending authority and limits in the above (4) four conditions. except where the grantee provides guidance on grant purpose and said grant expenditures have been approved by club vote, he/she may spend up to $5,000 (Five Thousand Dollars) with board approval, of grant funds. Such expenditures must be reported in the next regular meeting. Amounts above $5,000 (Five Thousand Dollars) require formal written proposals and be submitted to the membership in writing via email and voted upon at the next regular meeting. 2.) Earmarked grants, must be spent according to the grantor’s conditions. Spending for earmarked grants may be done by the president or designee or grantee with the approval of the majority of the club officers. Earmarked grant purchases must be reported to the club in the next regular meeting.
======================================================================= Attachment2: Amazon Smile
Subject: Re: Revision to Your AmazonSmile Charity Selection To select or change the charity you support, Log in to your Amazon account, go to My Account, then look under Other Programs, click "Change Your Amazon Smile Charity". Just do a search on Taos Amateur Radio Club.
Thanks, Brian
On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 8:30 PM 'Michael' via Taos ARC <taos data-preserve-html-node="true"-arc@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Look! If you have an Amazon account, you can list us as a charity. Amazon will donate a small amount to us for each of your purchases.
From: no-reply@amazon.com To: migueldetaos@aol.com Sent: 4/27/2020 8:26:46 PM Mountain Standard Time Subject: Revision to Your AmazonSmile Charity Selection
Your Account | Today's Deals | All Departments
Dear michael kittredge,
Thanks for visiting smile.amazon.com! Per your request, we have successfully changed the AmazonSmile charity you are supporting to Taos Amateur Radio Club.
Remember, if you want Amazon to donate to Taos Amateur Radio Club, you need to start each shopping session at the URL smile.amazon.com, and we will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases. Visit Your AmazonSmile Impact to see donation information and learn more about your charity. AmazonSmile: You shop. Amazon gives.
Attachment 3: Smith’s Grocery .05%
Your Quarterly Statement for PT507 - Taos Amateur Radio Club
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Your Quarterly Statement for PT507 - Taos Amateur Radio Club From: SmithsInspiringDonations@sfdc.com Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021, 6:10 PM To: taosarc@live.com,ttrojnan@gmail.com CC:
Your Smith's Food & Drug Account Inspiring Donations Home Page
Dear Taos Amateur Radio Club (PT507),
The Kroger Co. Family of Stores is committed to bringing hope and help to the local neighborhoods we call home. Our stores are on a mission to go beyond being a part of the community to also helping create a stronger community. We recognize that every community is different and has unique causes that need support. Smith's Food & Drug launched Inspiring Donations, July 1st of this year, to give customers the opportunity to donate to local causes that matter to them.
Because your total quarterly contribution is less than $25, which is the minimum check amount, you will not be receiving a check at this time. This amount will be held and combined with your next quarter's contribution total until your contribution amount exceeds $25. At the time your total contribution reaches $25, or at the end of the current program year, (June 30th), whichever comes first, your organization will then receive a check. If you have any questions, please email SmithsInspiringDonations@sfdc.com or visit our website at http://www.smithsfoodanddrug.com/inspire .
As a reminder, Smith's Food & Drug donates .5% of every eligible purchase made by participants to the organization their rewards card is linked to. The amount outlined above is the first quarter of funds earned through Inspiring Donations and there is room to grow your donations! We encourage you to ask your supporters to link their rewards card to your organization. Inspiring Donations is easy to understand and easy to explain! The more your supporters shop with us, the more money your organization will earn!
Thank you for being such an important organization in our community,
Inspiring Donations Staff.