Section 5.10 (c.) SPENDING AUTHORITY AND LIMITS (EXCEPT FOR GRANTS) (i.) The President or designee may spend up to: 1.) $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) without prior authorization. 2.) Between $501.00 (Five Hundred One Dollars) and $1499.00 (One Thousand Four Ninety-Nine Dollars) Board approval is required. 3.) $1500.00 (One Thousand Five Dollars) and above, the general voting membership must approve. 4.) Amounts above $1500.00 (One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars) require formal written proposals and be submitted to the membership in writing via email and voted upon at the next regular meeting. (d.) SPENDING AUTHORITY AND LIMITS FOR GRANTS (ii.) All grants, earmarked and non-earmarked, must be accepted by club vote. Any submission prior to a regular club meeting must be presented at the next club meeting and have the majority of the officers approve a pre-submission. The club vote is the final decision for submission or withdrawal. (iii.) Upon grant funding, the President or designee or grantee may spend said funds as follows: 1.) Non-earmarked grants may be spent by club vote and in accordance with the spending authority and limits in the above (4) four conditions. except where the grantee provides guidance on grant purpose and said grant expenditures have been approved by club vote, he/she may spend up to $5,000 (Five Thousand Dollars) with board approval, of grant funds. Such expenditures must be reported in the next regular meeting. Amounts above $5,000 (Five Thousand Dollars) require formal written proposals and be submitted to the membership in writing via email and voted upon at the next regular meeting. 2.) Earmarked grants, must be spent according to the grantor’s conditions. Spending for earmarked grants may be done by the president or designee or grantee with the approval of the majority of the club officers. Earmarked grant purchases must be reported to the club in the next regular meeting.