Minutes 7-14-2021 Meeting


(Thank you for the minutes Wayne)

Newly elected President, Tim Henson (W5TNM), called the meeting to order precisely at 6:00pm.

1) Guests included Mike Reitz (W5EVT) from Cimmarron and Mike Berger (KI6KGC) from Angel Fire.

2) Reading of the minutes from previous meeting motioned to approve and forego by Tom Trojner, seconded by Mike Kittredge. Unanimously approved, with no objections.

3) Treasurer's Report:

a) As reported by Glen Romero, a current club account balance of $17,064.35. With $250.00 more in deposit transit.

b) A changing of bank signers by virtue of replaced officers took place on Friday, July 9th. Mike Kittredge, past president, was removed as signer and replaced as signer by Tim Henson, newly elected president. Tom Trojner, past secretary, was removed as signer and replaced by G. Wayne Rivali, newly elected secretary.

c) Operating expense summary:

TARC Expenses: Due Amount Note Monthly auto 708.00 SAM Kit Carson electric ($59 month 12) Nov 126.00 US Forest Service (SAM rent) Nov 126.00 US Forest Service (PIC rent) Nov 72.00 Square – Website Feb 76.00 PO Box Feb 10.00 NM State Corp Commission Apr 0.00 Taxes (Filing only) Jun8 200.00 Annual insurance Monthly auto 60.00 US Bank paper statements ($5 month 12) 1378.00 Approximate annual operating expenses Operating Income 1000.00 Estimated dues (40*25) 500.00 Civil Air Patrol 1500.00 Approximate ordinary income Net Operating Position 122.00 Uncommitted Cash Other Income 72.00 Amazon Smile ($18 quarter) 1930.00 Cyber Grants 0.00 Smith Grocery 0.00 Bridgecom Affiliate 2124.00 Total estimated annual uncommitted cash Committed Funds 5000.000 LANL Foundation Grant 12800.000 Richard P. Siegel Foundation NA Changes in Cash Position – Not Available to General Fund

4) President's remarks

a) Grant check received from The Richard Siegel Foundation in the amount of $12,800.00.

b) $200 donation by Abe, new club member.

c) Tom announced another $200.00 on the way.

d) Mickey offered a generator to the club.

e) New equipment location storage discussed

- Possible at old police station-pending.

  -EOC too full

 - $1200.00 spent on "silent key" equipment offered by his widow. Numerous discussions on what to do with it. Consensus was some to be loaned or donated, some kept for club use, and some sold to recoup the initial investment. This was unanimously approved by club officers.

    - Review revenue generation capability was discussed.
    ◦ Amazon Smile, .05% (Information provided below), +/- $18 quarterly?
    ◦ Smith’s grocery store .05% $6.87, 1 family (Information provided below)
    ◦ Bridgecom Affiliate link on web page, 10%, $0 to date
    ◦ DX Engineering has no program
    ◦ Other – LANL Cyber Grants, donations, s +/-$2,500
    ◦ Dues & Civil Air Patrol, more less $1,500 per year, core operating income

5) New business

a) Mike Kittredge automatically appointed to board by virtue of immediate past president. Tom Trojner also appointed to board by nomination from Mike, second by Greg Medina. Unanimous with no objections.

b) Mike motioned to implement new bylaws. Greg second

c) Tom motioned to change bylaws. Greg second.

d ) Final bylaws motion to approve by Mike, second by Greg As follows: Section 5.10 (c.) SPENDING AUTHORITY AND LIMITS (EXCEPT FOR GRANTS) (i.) The President or designee may spend up to: 1.) $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) without prior authorization. 2.) Between $501.00 (Five Hundred One Dollars) and $1499.00 (One Thousand Four Ninety-Nine Dollars) Board approval is required. 3.) $1500.00 (One Thousand Five Dollars) and above, the general voting membership must approve. 4.) Amounts above $1500.00 (One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars) require formal written proposals and be submitted to the membership in writing via email and voted upon at the next regular meeting. (d.) SPENDING AUTHORITY AND LIMITS FOR GRANTS (ii.) All grants, earmarked and non-earmarked, must be accepted by club vote. Any submission prior to a regular club meeting must be presented at the next club meeting and have the majority of the officers approve a pre-submission. The club vote is the final decision for submission or withdrawal. (iii.) Upon grant funding, the President or designee or grantee may spend said funds as follows: 1.) Non-earmarked grants may be spent by club vote and in accordance with the spending authority and limits in the above (4) four conditions. except where the grantee provides guidance on grant purpose and said grant expenditures have been approved by club vote, he/she may spend up to $5,000 (Five Thousand Dollars) with board approval, of grant funds. Such expenditures must be reported in the next regular meeting. Amounts above $5,000 (Five Thousand Dollars) require formal written proposals and be submitted to the membership in writing via email and voted upon at the next regular meeting. 2.) Earmarked grants, must be spent according to the grantor’s conditions. Spending for earmarked grants may be done by the president or designee or grantee with the approval of the majority of the club officers. Earmarked grant purchases must be reported to the club in the next regular meeting.

6) Repeater report

a) Brian is working on SAM repeater to reduce interference from neighboring repeaters. Old 2 meter box needs replacement. New repeater box needs professional hook-up and inspection followed by final connection by Kit Carson Electric. Larry Mapes, club member, proposed for hook-up (not present). SAM housing (Mouse House) repair/remodel needed. Postponed for future date.

7) Old business

a) Field day update- Thanks to use of Glen Romero ( member/treasurer) mountain property. Attendee report unanimously positive. Portions of the weekend had rain, but did not dampen spirits. Craig had best rain protection setup. Sheila toughed it out in a tent.

b) Tim will discuss fall events with THS principal upon return from summer vacation.

c) Dale Finley, club member from Dallas and assisting HAM instructor involved with Taos ARC Pueblo training, updated Cimmaron Chamber of Commerce HAM DEMONSTRATION field day. It started on July 4th and ran for 7 consecutive days. Dale logged 50 contacts on 20 meters, 4 on 2 meters, and 2 on Echolink. An article was published in the Taos News prior to the event. Dale met 8 HAMs at Philmont in the Cimmaron area during the event.

d) Dale updated the Taos Pueblo school demo and training. Dale contacted Marlee Espinoza after previous discussions with her by Tim, Mike and Wayne. Marlee is a coordinator with the school. Dale proposed minimal power-point kickoff with the youngest getting stronger and more involved as grade increased up to high school. Marlee recommended the opposite. She felt that older students getting first exposure would encourage youngers students to participate. Dale tossed out the idea of Morse code and even using drums as clickers.

8) Other business:

a) Tim discussed the official value of a volunteer was determined to be $28.54. This could be used for future grants, according to Tim.

b) Net reminder by Tim on 4th Wednesday of every month on Picuris at 7:00pm for analog. Upon finishing, switching to digital.

c) Next scheduled testing on August 14th, 2021

d) Tom asked of Fiestas activity. members chimed in about most activities being cancelled, including those that involved Taos ARC in the past.

e) On a humorous and jestful closing remark, Brian asked if anyone knew what the schematic on Tim's T shirt represented. 5 or so members raised hands, correctly answering it was a simple radio. Brian asked what was missing, and Mike correctly answered, a variable capacitor.

9) Call for adjournment by President Tim Henson

a) motion by Dale, second by Brian, unanimous with no objections. Meeting was terminated at 7:00pm.