Taos ARC November 10th, 2021 Minutes of the Meeting.
1) The meeting was called to order at 6:00 By President Tim Henson. Self-introductions were called for by call sign or pending. Member and digital net controller for the club, George Rodriguez (K5GEO), was in attendance for the first time since joining the club at the start of this year. All were happy to meet his acquaintance.
2) Approval of prior month minutes (published on web 10/28/2021) was motioned for by Gabe J and seconded by John Carson. Approval was unanimous.
3) Treasurer's Report Balance is: $11,502.06. October ending balance is: $11,630.00. Income this month: $575.00. Membership & LANL Cyber Grants. Expenses this month: $75.17, SAM electric bill. Accounts Receivable: $1,000.00, a first for the club report.
4) President’s remarks:
a) TaosNews Article, B10 Oct 21-27 was an interview with Mike K about STEM education at THS. THS principle is very excited about HAM training, and according to Mike K, has informed other schools about Taos ARC training.
b) PD shack discussion. City has done wonderfully - club will need some spending. Halloween volunteers met there to tour the new facility and Brian W and Wayne R went there today to review potential setups. Painting of walls is done and TimH stated we will need cabinets, countertops, etc. Tim suggested the $1,000.00 AR from Town of Taos for Halloween radio assistance can be used for maintenance items specifically intended for use in the Town owned building whose use is allowed for TARC. The town paybles approval process is unclear so we will be patient. Gabe J donated three filling cabinets for the PD/ new TARC hamshack. Locking of the cabinets can be resolved by running a locking rod through the drawers. Mike K expressed the desire to move the TARC owned equipment to the PD Hamshack soon. Tim H said we hope for a 5 year occupancy MOU.
c) Public facing service hours: 52 hours total - 8 hours at Taos High School STEM, 44 hours at Taos Police Dept request Sgt Lloyd Garcia (11 TARC / 4 dual TAL Post 16 Legion members). PD Assist report: KF5TTO, Greg Medina PIC, KI5IPS, KF5RKM, KF5OSA, W5JHW, NM5MK, W5TNM, KI6KCG, K7KAH, Donovan, W5GWR. The town may want us to help again with radio comm for Christmas. Greg, TPD/TARC PAC, reported smooth conditions overall for the Halloween radio control of traffic. 2000 vehicles passed through radio-controlled areas according to TPD.
d) Tim H announced another Kroger check was received. Wayne R said the check was in the amount of $25.96 based on .5% of consumer purchases.
5) New Business: a) Vests discussion – NM5MK, Mike K, discussed ARRL vest quality declined as Tim H referenced his old ARRL vest to Wayne R’s more recent one, which had no pockets. Mike said he had a personalized TARC vests coming, being shipped overseas hoping they will arrive prior to any Christmas events that will require their use. Discussed in the future, members showing up to three events in a row could receive the pocketed vest for free, vote not taken at this time.
b) County Commission Support – NM5MK, Mike, discussed new support from Commissioner Darlene Vigil from the county and the possibility of better access to current EOC building. He included the fact that the EOC wants to move, possibly leaving the building to TARC exclusively. He further stated that the EOC had no backup generator, whereas the PD Hamshack had a generator the will be regularly maintained by an outside source paid for by the town. Mike also spoke of the strategy of locating the EOC on the outskirts of town and the importance of having radio capability away from an in-town disaster.
c) TBD- Discussions drifted to use of the new Hamshack for newbies. Tim H spoke of contests and ARES use for new generals, so not everyone would have to setup an HF station for thousands in cost. Tom T thought new Hamshack parking lot was being used by restaurant employees working across the street. Tim H thought we would cross that bridge later.
d) New Grant Proposal- Tim H announced a new grant writer working on behalf of TARC at no charge. This person will be working a new grant from the Frost Foundation, probably under $5,000.00. Tim thinks $2,000.00 would be a reasonable request. It will be submitted before next meeting.
e) Tom T's grant bought 8 new HTs. Earpieces were proposed by Tim H for use at loud events along with extra batteries, etc. Bluetooth was dismissed by Tom T, John W and Brian W. Brian W suggested extra replaceable earpieces. Vote for up to 8 earpieces, batteries, etc. under the Siegel Foundation grant was motioned for by Mike K, seconded by Sheila S and unanimously approved by members.
f) Christmas party to be held at Brian's W shop (Code 3) located behind Walmart on December 8th at 6:00. Motioned for by Mike Kand seconded by Gabe J. Vote was unanimous. POST MEETING NOTE, THE GATHERING WILL BE AT BRIAN W’S HOUSE. MORE TO COME.
6) Repeater Report/Update – N5TSV, NB5R, W5JHW- Brian W announced the Brandmeister is up and running at SAM. Motion for up to $2600 from Siegel Foundation funds for TARC repeater by John W, seconded by Gabe J. Vote was unanimous.
7) HF Report – NM5MK- Mike has been talking on 12, 15 and 17 meters prior to technical problems with rotor. Mike also reported rotor problems with EOC hexbeam antenna. John C said he had one in Oklahoma that he would have shipped and donated to TARC. Mike K expressed the importance of contests to make sure the radios are working. He also mentioned the possibility of donating a Kenwood owned by the club to the THS. Antenna types for PD Hamshack were discussed including a possible donation of a 40 meter antenna. Town sensitivity of eyesore antennas was brought into consideration.
8) Net report – W5GWR & K5GEO- Tim H reported 21 sign-ins on analog and 12 on digital.
9) ARES update – HF 3939, 1st Sunday- John W. displayed the result of high wind in an ARES antenna that was improperly installed at TSV bending thick stainless steel.
10) Other Business
a) ARRL Tech and General test, 11/10/2021, 5:30 during the meeting. Zack Helmberger passed Tech and General
b) ARRL Test, 11/13/2021, 10am at the EOC, FRN required. (Expecting 3 or more) -POST UPDATE, 4 TECHS PASSED, Ananda S, Robert D, Donovan L, Dan B.
c) Nets, 4th Wednesday 7PM, Picuris Mountain 147.120+, 67.0 analog, immediately afterwards DMR 442. 175 (+5 MHZ0 CC5 TS2 TG 715 local)
11) Meeting Closure- Motion by John C seconded by Gabe j. Meeting closed at 6:59 pm