Notice the Club Christmas meeting, 2nd Wednesday 12/8 is not being held at the Taos County EOC.
We are having a Christmas meeting at Brian (NB5R) and Jane's (KJ5ANE) house. Near the hospital, contact Tim Henson for directions. Please RSVP to me if you have not already and let me know what you plan to bring. A sneak preview is tapas, red chili enchiladas, shrimp, organic tuna salad, vegetable salad, olives, cucumber salad in vinegar, sweet & spicy meatballs and Swedish apple crisp and vanilla ice cream, fruit tray, meat tray. A couple tables a chairs. Dang, all come hungry.
If you have not seen google emails before on this topic, let me know that too, as 1 person was missed.
Also, a great job tonight, 12/5/2021 by about a dozen members supporting the Taos PD and our community.