All, you will note on the agenda that rolled out at 4pm Saturday, I mention ByLaws. We currently have 6 board members, Pres, VP, Sec and Treasurer and 2 board at large (one is actually X-Pres Mike). Note, the board at large is a 2 year limit which is fine. Six is an even number, but we never need tie breakers because we get along and focus on the club. See Section 5.02, page 9.
We have a lot more members now then we did 3 years ago. We know clubs will vary. The officer election is October, so the timing is right to consider any changes to the bylaws for membership to get a discussion and review period. Bylaw changes have to curate for a 30 day review period for members to review.
Changing the bylaws is possible if we desire, we have done it 3 times since I have been here. 1) allow proxy voting, 2) Address grant spending 3) define a quorum.
My discussion point is to add 1, a trustee. The bylaws say a trustee can be appointed for a committee. I would propose adding a trustee without a term limit, but elected annually to the board. That would be the FCC owner of our call sign - NB5R, Brian. That is "7" on the board.
My next thought is since we are considering changes and have more people, add 2 more board members at large, but with a club job. Other than immediate past president, the now proposed 3 board members at large would be assigned/volunteer a role by the club. I am reluctant to assign a role in the bylaws because the club need can change from year to year. Some examples of a required role, could be: facilities, grant POC, STEM (can be adult learning too), Shack Maintenance, Membership, other? etc... But I believe (does not mean it is correct), board members at large should be responsible for some role.
So we know the bylaws call out a quarterly board meeting, which we do not do, and voting on a new member, which we do not do. Also the bylaws call out committees: Technical, Trustee, Facilities, Audit.
Here is the standing, current Section 5.02: Section 5.02 NUMBER, TENURE, AND QUALIFICATION (a) NUMBER (i) The Board shall consist of six (6) members. The six (6) members shall include four (4) current Officers and two (2) Directors-at- large. (ii) One of the Directors-at-large shall be, with his or her concurrence, the immediate past president of the Club, unless he or she shall be a current Officer. (b) TENURE
(i) Each Officer and Director(s)-at-large shall hold office for a period of one year. No Director shall serve more than two consecutive one-year terms as an elected director. (ii) At the conclusion of two consecutive, one-year terms as an elected director, the vacating Director shall be ineligible for reelection to the Board of Directors for a period of one (1) year. (iii) The above notwithstanding, any member, regardless of previous service as a Director, may be appointed by the Board of Directors subject to a vote of consent at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the members to fill the remainder of the term of any Director who leaves the Board for whatever reason for the remainder of the term of the leaving Director. (c) All members of the Board shall be members of the Club in good standing and shall hold a valid Amateurs Radio operators license issued by the Federal Communications Commission.
Proposed discussion language.
Section 5.02 NUMBER, TENURE, AND QUALIFICATION (a) NUMBER (i) The Board shall consist of nine (9) members. The nine (9) members shall include four (4) current Officers and two (4) Directors-at- large and one (1) trustee. (ii) One of the Directors-at-large shall be, with his or her concurrence, the immediate past president of the Club, unless he or she shall be a current Officer. (iii) The three (3) board members at large will be responsible for a single role assigned by the club at the election, with possibilities being Membership, STEM, Grant Management, Facilities, ARES, Technical or other roles for the convenience of the club. (b) TENURE
(i) Each Officer and Director(s)-at-large shall hold office for a period of one year. No Director shall serve more than two consecutive one-year terms as an elected director, with the exception of the Trustee, there is no fixed term limit for the Trustee. (ii) At the conclusion of two consecutive, one-year terms as an elected director, the vacating Director shall be ineligible for reelection to the Board of Directors for a period of one (1) year. (iii) The above notwithstanding, any member, regardless of previous service as a Director, may be appointed by the Board of Directors subject to a vote of consent at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the members to fill the remainder of the term of any Director who leaves the Board for whatever reason for the remainder of the term of the leaving Director. (c) All members of the Board shall be members of the Club in good standing and shall hold a valid Amateurs Radio operators license issued by the Federal Communications Commission and an ARRL member.
The complete, current bylaws in full we will emailed to the club for review.
73, W5TNM th