Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes - Meeting on Aug 10, 2022 OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571
Sign in. Meeting began at 6:05pm
Roll Call. 21 attended, with 3 on Zoom. We had 2 first time guests.
Approval of Prior Months Minutes held on 07-13-22 and published on 08-02-2022
Treasurer's Report. In Glen's (KF5OSB) absence, Glen texted Wayne that the bank balance was $12,526.20. Tim (W5TNM) covered the financial report. Expenses were $494.95 for Picuris repair, a $500.00 LANL Volunteer Award is to be coming in from LANL. Accounts Receivable from Town of Taos for $2000.00 for two concerts (PAID). Quotes have been sent for two more concert supports for Aug 19 and Sept 3rd events. There was also a return of $500.00 that had been approved for Sherri (KI5TLA) for the ARRL Teacher Institute trip, with a robust ARRL reimbursement.
President's Remarks. Tim (W5TNM) a) Tim skipped to Brian, who was scheduled to speak later in the agenda. Brian spoke of new batteries, new wiring, for Picuris. New solar panels costs will be shared cost by Taos ARC and Rocky Mountain HAM. Other equipment is in the works. SAM has special equipment coming as well. The cost of $494.95 for the installed equipment, free of labor costs and time donated by Brian was brought to vote to pay the invoice. Motion by Jane (KJ5ANE) and seconded by John (WB5Q). Motion was unanimous with no objections.
b) Search and Rescue interest from LA, SF, Taos was discussed by Tim. He introduced Craig Gillio (KI5HKU), a member of both TARC and TSAR to speak. Craig expressed the importance of repeaters and SAR's reliance on them as backup. He cited the need to use the Elk Mountain repeater as the sole of communication for flood rescue efforts in Guadalupita. SAR communications failed, without the Elk Mountain repeater, some of the search teams would have had to come out of the field. In SAR is there are no communications, you cannot have search teams in the field.
Craig gave credit to TARC for keeping even isolated repeaters functional for rare events and incidents. Craig added that the flood damage in that area is massive and will be bad for years. Jane chimed in about displaced residents of that area returning to a temporary space in their business building who lost too much to return home after the fires, and further lost their dwelling from flash floods.
Tim said that Delinda (TSAR President) has a new grant for training. Tim has offered guidance to the SAR community for FCC licensing. Tim said Incident Commanders from Santa Fe, Los Alamos and Taos want to visit the OPD Hamshack. The visit is expected next month. Brian chimed in about working on a new repeater in Mora.
c) Elections in October, bylaws, board expansions of additional board members with roles for board members, and membership votes. Tim asked for feedback on the increase in board members. A current membership list was validated by Donovan (KI5SNX) ((Distributed post meeting)). d) Trial run perhaps on an HF monthly net – could be 80 meter. Don (KI5ODX) accepted lead with John (WB5Q) as backup. Tim suggested Wednesday following the rhythm of the typical Wednesday night TARC activities.
e) Total insurance premiums- $807.00. Tim proposed more insurance for TSV, Angel Fire, and Holy Cross for an additional $84.00 per year to intentionally underinsure for $2K per the 3 sites. Motion to approve by Donovan, seconded by Brian. Motion approved unanimously with no objections.
f) Many events with approximately 579 valuable volunteer hours year to date.
6) New Business. a) Many events to summarize. i) Fiesta debriefs- In Glen's absence, Donovan announced that Glen (KF5OSB) and Daniel (KF5OSA) handled the brunt of the work. Donovan said that Glen was frustrated with the disorganization of the Fiesta Committee. ii) Elk Mountain- already discussed by Craig. iii) Upcoming Concerts: 08-19, Morning Jacket and 09-03, Little Big Town. Tim passed around the sheet for more sign ups from members. b) ARRL Teacher Institute presentation and class proposal by Sherri (KI5TLA). ARRL paid Sherri's entire expenses. Sherri expressed her lack of knowledge on the subject of electronics. She went on to say the course greatly increased her knowledge and skills in electronics. Sherri produced an impressive slide show on TARC's big screen of her training accomplishments. Brian paid Sherri compliments on the demonstrated work pieces that was passed around for the membership to inspect (secretaries note: as a previous avionics technician in the Air Force, I concur with Brain on her quality of work). Sherri stated she is returning the $500.00 the club had approved because of the fact that ARRL covered all her expenses. Sherri want's to buy equipment for the students. She gave a list of what and how many. The total cost she announced came to $2,886.99. Paul suggested buying a Simpson analog multimeter as well. A vote was called for by Tim. Motion to approve was called by John and seconded by Don. Motion was approved unanimously with no objections. The club approved of the Simpson as well.
7) Old Business. a) OPD Shack facilities update. No updates b) SAM. Some materials have been acquired. Time will be chosen for repairs.
8) Repeater report. Covered by Brian earlier in the meeting.
9) HF report. Deferred with the possible future HF net discussion.
10) Net Report. Wayne, analog net control reported 18 attendees including, Honorary Silent Key, John (KE5CEI), a dear friend of Catherine (KE5CEJ), a regular participant in the Taos ARC analog net. On behalf of the members of Taos ARC, I'll say 73, John. And sorry for your loss Catherine. Wayne (W5GWR).
Mike (KI6KGC) chimed in about POTA. He enthusiastically spoke about POTA (Parks on the Air). He displayed his certificate for accomplishing a required number of contacts.
11) ARES Update.
12) Other Business. a) ARRL Testing: Saturday 10:00am at OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571, November 12. b) Nets, 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm, Picuris 147.120+, 67 analog, immediately following is digital, 442.174 + 5, CC5, TS2, TG 715 local.
13) Notice- Each club meeting is held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm at 107 Civic Plaza Drive Taos, NM 87571. The minimum agenda includes Treasurers report, new business, old business, and closeout.
14) Business Meeting Closeout. Closure called for by Tim. Motion called for by Brian (NB5R) and seconded by Don (KI5ODX). Unanimous with no objections.
Thank you, Secretary Wayne, for creating these minutes. (TH)