Taos Amateur Radio Club 5/12/2021 6:00 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 6 Miranda Rd Ranchos De Taos, NM 87557 Taos County still requires masks for meetings on their premises
1) Roll Call / Attendance Signin
2) 4/14/2021 meeting minutes vote
3) Treasurer's Report, >$8,467.07 - Glen Note, Grants are earmarked for spending requirements.
4) VP's Remarks
5)New Business
Officer Nominations President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Board Member 1 at large Board Member 2 at large
Election will be 6/9/2021.
New Grant proposal for TARC equipment – Private Foundation
QSO Grading 5/23/2021, 10am at the EOC – Brian Mileshosky, RMHC – New Mexico Have 3, need 2 more volunteers, about 2 hours work
Field Day 6/26-27/2021 outdoor suggestions.
Future ByLaws change discussion: Ignores Grants are typically earmarked contracts. Section 5.10 (c)SPENDING AUTHORITY AND LIMITS(i)The President or designee may spend up to: 1)$500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) without prior authorization. 2)Between $501.00 (Five Hundred One Dollars) and $1499.00 (One Thousand Four Ninety-Nine Dollars) Board approval is required. 3)$1500.00 (One Thousand Five Dollars) and above, the general voting membership must approve. 4)Amounts above $1500.00 (One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars) require formal written proposals and be submitted to the membership in writing via email and voted upon at the next regular meeting.
Future consideration amendment to By-Laws: 5)Earmarked grants that are spending and performance contracts must abide by the terms of the grant. The Grantee and majority of club officers may approve spending within the budget of the grant, then report expenditures in the next club meeting.
5) Old Business
Repeater status – Brian W.
Taos High School, CJ discussion summary: Mike to buy ARRL books upon return
Evaluating 3 DMR radios (21 needed), Btech 6x2 ($195) = $4,095, Bridgecom ($169.99) = $3,569.79 Anytone 868UV, DX Engineering (184.95) = 3,883.95 Alinco DJ-MD5XTG VHF/UHF, RMHC compatibility and durability IP54. • Grantee will ask club for approval to purchase Anytone 868UV for $3,569.79.
Open to individual purchase add-on.
Upcoming Testing: 05/15/2021, 10am at the EOC 08/14/2021, 10am at the EOC 11/13/2021, 10am at the EOC
Next Net – 05/26/2021 7pm, 4th Wednesday, immediately followed by the TG715 DMR Net
6) Closing