May Minutes

Taos ARC Meeting EOC Minutes


Vice President Tim Henson called the meeting to order at 6:20 PM

Larry Mapes made a motion to accept April 2021 minutes as posted, second by John Wheatley, passed unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Glen Romero reported that we have $8,376.42 as of 5/12/2021 which includes grant funds of $5,000.

Vice Presidents Message:

Tim told us that President Mike Kittredge will be back for the June meeting.

New Business:

Officer nominations:

Tom Trojnar nominated Tim Henson for President, seconded by Brian Williams. Tim accepted the nomination.

Tim Henson nominated greg Medina for Vice President, seconded by Glen Romero. Greg accepted the nomination.

Glen Romero nominated Wayne Rivali for secretary, seconded by Tom Trojnar. Wayne accepted the nomination.

Tim Henson nominated Glen Romero for treasurer, seconded by Greg Medina. Glen accepted the nomination.

Tim also put out a request for a webmaster and someone to run the monthly nets as he will have his hands full with other club matters.

Tim Henson nominated Mike Kittredge and Tom Trojnar as Board Members, seconded by John Wheatley. Tom accepted and also accepted for Mike in absentia.

Voting for new officers will be at the June 9, 2021 meeting to be held at the Taos County EOC.

Tom reported that he is working on obtaining funding for equipment through a private grant in the proposed amount of $10,000+-.

Brian Williams reported that Mitch Miller may be able to provide a donation of an enclosed trailer from the town of Taos for our mobile operations.

NM QSO party grading will be Saturday 5/23 at the EOC. Club members will meet with Brian Mileshosky of the Rocky Mountain Ham Club. We need 2 or 3 members to attend.

Annual Field Day will be 6/26 and 6/27 this year. Brian suggested a Carson Forest campout. Glen Romero offered his Penasco land for the event. Consensus was leaning toward Penasco which has power and is easy to access. Larry Mapes moved to select Glen’s property as the Field Day spot. Seconded by Sheila. Unanimously approved. Details to be hashed out at the June meeting.

Tim Henson reported that the LANL grant has been funded. Mike had earlier suggested that we amend the bylaws to provide for more streamlined spending options for grants than what we currently have. Tabled for further discussion.

Larry Mapes moved that we approve the LANL grant earmarked equipment of 21 handheld Anytone 868UV radios @ a cost of $3,569.97. 2nd by Greg Medina. Unanimously approved.

Tim related that he and Mike talked with CJ, the Taos High principal. She told them her dad was a Ham operator and that she was introduced to it at an early age. That interest led to Tim’s idea to apply for the LANL grant. We are now seeing that dream become a reality.

Brian Williams reported that he will be going to the Picuris repeater site to analyze repeater bands/interference and try to resolve some of the issues we are having. He also reminded us that he has a UHF repeater donated by a Texas county through Dale that we need to locate and install. He also told us the Brandmeister Digital repeater is operational on 146.78 MHz and that is tied into a New Mexico statewide talk group and a local talk group.

Tim reminded us that the Digital Net will follow the Analog Net on 5/26 at 7PM.

Brian Williams made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Greg Medina and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at ~6:45PM.

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