TaosARC October 13, 2021 Agenda at Miranda Location

TaosARC October 13, 2021 Agenda 6:00 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 6 Miranda Rd Ranchos De Taos, NM 87557

Reporting there is a new, Aug 20, 2021 state health order to mandate indoor masks, with a $5,000 fine per violation, page 3, section 1 and page 4, section 6. https://www.kob.com/kobtvimages/repository/cs/files/081721%20PHO%20Masks.pdf

Optional potluck, 5:30 (List so far, Mike Pizza, Tim Pizza, other Mike Drinks, Gabe dessert)

6:00 Meeting Begins

1) Sign in

2) Approval of prior month minutes (published on web 9/10/2021)

3) Treasurer's Report

September balance ending is: $11,130.17_______ Income this month $0.00
Expenses this month: $5,869.63 3,349.90 Siegel Grant (Anytone Radios) 593.04 Lanl Foundation Grant books 96.75 SAM Maintenance Materials 80.40 SAM Maintenance Materials 1,273.39 Siegel Grant (Generator, KSP) 18.65 SAM Maintenance Materials? 391.05 LANL Grant - HamTestOnline 66.45 SAM Utilities

4) President’s remarks a) Noted buys from above and HamTestOnline discussion for Taos High School b) Submitted $16K grant for combo STEM/ARES trailer 9/13/2021. Award is Feb/2022. c) Public facing service hours report: 20 hours total - 2 hours at Taos High School, 18 hours at Taos Police Dept request Sgt Lloyd Garcia i. Parade report: KF5TTO, Greg Medina PIC, KI5IPS, KF5RKM, KF5OSA, KF5OSA, W5TAO, W5JHW, NM5MK, W5TNM d) ByLaws defined Annual Meeting i. Officer nominations & elections discussion, per bylaws

5) New Business a) Officer Nominations: Current is Tim Henson, Pres; Greg Medina, Vice Pres; Wayne Rivali, Secretary; Glen Romero Treasurer; Mike Kittredge, Board; Tom Trojnar, Board.  Election in November
b) ARES Report – State 3939 monthly, NB5R (POC support needed) c) Equipment Insurance – We will have equipment at 4 sites with no insurance. We have club liability insurance, but not product. ARRL insurance:  $1.40 per $100, $50 deductible. The club would make a list of equipment online and indicate replacement cost. So $20,000 worth of insurance will cost us $280 per year.

6) Repeater Report/Update – NB5R & W5JHW,

7) Net report – W5GWR & K5GEO

8) Old Business a) SAM Maintenance report i. Part 1 – Painting & Ground rod (8/28/2021, 8 x 4 hours = 32 hours) ii. Part 2 – Roof old shed (9/18/2021, KI5HKU, W5JHW, KI5QDH, W5TNM = 10 hours) 1) Return to new shed roof someday. GACO undercoat only iii. Electrical planning, outage, state inspector b) Noting many hours unrecorded for repeater maintenance from NB5R, N5TSV, W5JHW c) Richard B. Siegel Foundation Update – KF5RKM d) Update on Town of Taos old PD Shack - KF5RKM
e) LANL Foundation STEM Update (1st session 10/7/2021) – W5TNM, NM5MK

9) Other Business
a) Nets, 4th Wednesday 7PM, Picuris Mountain 147.120+, 67.0 analog, immediately afterwards DMR 442. 175 (+5 MHZ0 CC5 TS2 TG 715 local) b) ARRL Tech and General test, 11/10/2021, 5:30 during the meeting. c) ARRL Test, 11/13/2021, 10am at the EOC, FRN required. (Expecting 3 or so)

10) Notice - Each club meeting is the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6 PM, #6 Miranda, 87557, minimum agenda Treasures reports, New Business, Old Business, Closeout.

11) Business Meeting Close

12) DMR 101 Learning – NB5R

NET CONTACTS 9/22/2021:

Analog Net: - 16 K5TTO Greg, W5JHW John, NM5MK Mike, W5TNM Tim, W5TAO Gary, KI5WYG Phillip, AD5NM Dave, W5TAO Gary, KF5RKM Tom, KI5AXU Karen, KI5IPS Sheila, KI5HKM Craig, KE5CEJ Catherine, N5TSV Mickey, K5GEO George, W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)

DMR – 11 KF5TTO Greg, N5TSV Mickey, AD5NM Dave, W5JHW John, W5GWR Wayne, NM5MK Mike, W5TAO Gary, W5TNM Tim, KF5OSA Daniel, KF5OSB Glen, K5GEO George (Net Control)

ByLaws Election:

ANNUAL MEETING: An annual meeting of the members shall be held on the second Wednesday in the month of October in each year for the purpose of electing Officers and Directors for a one (1) year term and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting.

Section 2.09 ELECTIONS (a) Officers and Directors shall be elected by a majority of votes duly cast by the voting members at the annual meeting of the Club, held in October of each year, if a quorum is not present, than at the next regular or special meeting called for the purpose, notice of any such meeting shall be made 15 days in advance of the meeting. (b) A newly elected Officer or Director shall take office on January 1st of the term for which elected, unless appointed to fill a vacancy, in which case he or she shall take office immediately upon his or her appointment. (c) REMOVAL OR RESIGNATION (i) Any Officer or Director may be removed from office by an affirmative vote of two thirds of the voting members present at a regular meeting. Any Officer or Director may resign by written notice to the Board.

Section 2.10 QUORUM (a) The members present at an annual, monthly, or special meeting of the membership shall constitute a quorum at such meeting. (b) A quorum for any business shall be the President or Vice President, two (2) members of the board of directors (cannot be the President if he is already filling the first requirement), and two (2) members at large of the organization. A 51% majority of such a quorum is required for any act of the Corporation. (c) Once a quorum is established, members deemed authorized to vote by this document and who are present at the annual meeting will be eligible to vote for the officer candidates.