Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 7-10-2024

@OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.

  2. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:10.

  3. Guest and member introductions, 14 members attended in person and 2 attended virtually.

  4. Approval of 6-12-2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion to approve by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Keith ((K5FS). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  5. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported a bank balance of $12,445.00. Motion to approve by Sheila (KI5IPS) and seconded by Randy (AG5QC). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  6. Tim (W5TNM) made the president’s remarks in Donovan’s absence. Donovan (K2AH) stepped up early in 2024 to fill the role of president. a. We are still looking for a new president. Elections to elect new officers is held at the October meeting. b. David is in transit to CT to attend ARRL training for school teachers. TARC is helping with expenses and ARRL is paying for the training. ARRL is a good organization and has resources into which clubs like us can tap.

  7. New Business

    a. Don (K2WQ) debriefed TARC on the 3 Town of Taos Summer Events during 4th of July Weekend. Attendance at the events ranged from 4500 to 5500. The weekend was mostly uneventful. Don mentioned the need for more volunteers. The town appreciates our assistance because we add value by assisting the police by providing additiional eyes and ears (we carry radios) and doing some easy tasks that free up the police for more important and dangerous tasks. The Town has 5 more events. TARC will need volunteers to support these events; more bodies for each event is good.

    b. There will be FCC License Testing on 7/27. Three people are sheduled to test. The next planned test will be 11/9/24. TARC will accommodate all who are interested in becoming hams.

    c. Philmont - Angel Fire/Eagles Nest. Dale (KB5NFT) described the 3 different stations that have been setup to show the scouts. They are using an ICOM 9700 with an 80m satellite antenna, an end fed, and “egg beaters” for UHF. They are mostly using FT8 but will use all modes and all bands. A lot of effort and expertise are available to help the scouts get started in Ham Radio. Dale, Mike (W5EVT) and Gary (N5GDR) are providing a great learning experience!

    d. We have 8 HTs that we use to support the Town of Taos and other events. These radios are all set up, charged up, and ready to go at all times. We have had them for several years and they have been very dependable and durable. There was discussion about the future of these radios and they may be coming to the end of their “shelf” lives. The club decided to buy 8 more with gang chargers and batteries so that we will have no problems supporting the community for several more years. It was a unanimous decision by TARC to spend about $4000 on this purchase.

  8. Old Business

    a. Grants Update – Keith (K5FS) filled out the paperwork and with some effort mailed/transmitted the documentation and it was received on time. He will find something out in 4 weeks or so. He is being proactive in anticipating the next steps.

    b. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No Updates

    c. ARES update – As a club, we practice ARES. Tim will try to setup a SAFE ALERT test. He may have to get some input from Brian (NB5R).

    d. Field Day was held at OPD on June 22. Randy (AG5QC) attended our Field Day and joined the club. He has already been active on the UHF net and has helped at the July events. Everybody please welcome Randy to TARC. We are happy to have you!

  9. Repeater Report/Update – We will have a planning session at the next monthly meeting concerning work on SAM and Picurus Mountains. There was some discussion about moving the “hospital” repeater to the OPD. Brian may have to help us with all this work. There was also discussion about GMRS repeaters.

  10. The UHF net had 11 attendees and the DMR net had 7 attendees.

  11. One of our online guests had some comments. Justin (KF5JNX) indicated that he can hit the Picuris repeater from Chacon. Good to know!

  12. Business Meeting Close. Motion was made to approve by Greg (KF5TTO) and seconded by Don (K2WQ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.