Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 6-12-2024

OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Potluck started at 5:30pm. Thanks to everybody for bringing food.

  2. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:10.

  3. Guest and member introductions, 13 members attended in person and 2 attended by Google Meets.

  4. Approval of 5-8-2024 meeting’s minutes. Motion was made to approve by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Greg (KF5TTO). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  5. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported a bank balance of $11,966.24 with $446 of deposits and $713 of expenses. Treasury reports are posted at the meeting and Don will be happy to answer any questions. Motion was made to approve the Treasurer's report by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by Leonardo (KF5ORZ). Vote was unanimous with no objections.

  6. Donovan is still acting president and made the president’s remarks.

    a. The club is still working on finding a member to take over as president.

  7. New Business

    a. Mike (NM5MK) designed TARC Business Cards with some input from various members. We ordered 250 cards that TARC can use to hand out at the events at which we work. Cards have club information and space to enter TARC member call sign, phone, email, etc.

    b. Discussion to support Town of Taos Summer Events. Donovan (K2AH) met with Town of Taos Event staff. The Town would like support for up to 8 events. TARC will need voluntees to support these events; more bodies for each event is good. Donovan has sent an email with the events and is waiting for the specific times for each event. There was discussion about ear phones we use at the events.

    c. FCC License Testing Update on 6/8. There was one candidate that unfortunately failed the exam. The next scheduled FCC License Test is July 27th and again in November. However TARC is anxious to help with new hams and will try to be accommodating.

    d. Participation – Philmont, Angel Fire/Eagles Nest. Tim (W5TNM) has been talking with our contact Dale (KB5NFT) about attendance at Philmont and parades. Attendance is limited and there is no parade in Taos.

  8. Old Business

    a. TARC got 16th place in the NM QSO Party and received a certificate. This will be printed off, framed and placed at OPD.

    b. Grants Update – Keith (K5FS) filled out the paperwork and with some effort mailed/transmitted the documentation and it was received on time. He will find something out in 4 weeks or so.

    c. TARC social media FB and Instagram presence – No Updates

    d. ARES update – No Updates

    e. Field Day will be held at OPD on June 22. We will have food, get a radio working out in the street and have some radios running at the club. We are encouraging guests to attend.

  9. Repeater Report/Update – Brian (NB5R) has work to do on SAM and Picurus Mountains but will not be available until August or September. Mickey (N5TSV) recommends that TARC move the “mickey” repeater to OPD. Several members think that is a good solution. There was some discussion. We should be able to make the connections to Angel Fire and Taos Ski Valley happen.

  10. Dale will be in Eagle Nest all of July and will be at Philmont several times. He is arranging for 3 hams from Indianapolis to operate many different modes with 2 “egg beaters” 30’ high for satellite communication, an end fed, and a DX antenna at Philmont from 7/8 thru 7/18. There will be many hams present. TARC is welcome. Everybody has to take the “YPT” training to participate in activities at Philmont. Please reach out to Dale for more information.

  11. Business Meeting Close. Motion was made to approve by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Bill (AI5LK). Vote was unanimous with no objections