Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 09-14-2022

OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:08 pm

  2. Roll Call. 29 signins, with 5 of those on Zoom. Special guest Delinda VanneBrightyn, President of Search and Rescue was also in attendance. Delinda introduced herself, she is also the K9 Team Leader, and announced that she wanted to see the Taos ARC OPD Hamshack and see how it could interface with Search and Rescue, and how our organizations could work together.

  1. Approval of prior months minutes held on 08-10-22 and published on 08-20-22. Motion for approval by Mickey (N5TSV) and seconded by Don (K2WQ).

  2. Treasurer's Report. Glen reported an account balance of $10,271.35 and an available balance of $9.496.35. The Town of Taos was invoiced on 08-23-22 for My Morning Jacket concert, received payment on 09-10-22, and deposited by Wayne on 09-14-22.

  3. Tim (W5TNM) president's remarks.

    a) Elections in October, bylaws, expand board membership and vote.

    i) Significant changes to the bylaws include the total number of board members increased to 9 and a change in the use of form 990 for tax reporting. The specific form number was removed.

    ii) Tim remarked that as an expanding club, more board members would be required, and suggested three more board members. Don (K2WQ) expressed approval of the ByLaw changes including more board members. Zac (W5ZAC) asked about the pros and cons of adding more board members. Tim responded by saying it would spread out the workload, as each board member would be assigned a specific task in addition to board duties. Mike (NM5MK) responded that he liked the idea. Jane (KJ5ANE) also was in favor. Mike (KI6KJC) asked of the responsibilities of the new board members. Tim said it would be skilled based and cited grant writing as an example. Zac asked if they would be officers as well? Tim said they would be board members outside of the four officers, bring the new total to 4 officers and 5 board members for a total board of 9.

Tom asked of the quorum requirements. Donovan displayed the quorum requirements as stated in the by-laws. A quorum was present.

Changes to the by-laws were voted and unanimously approved, with no opposed.

b) Open nominations for October voting: Motion by Don, seconded by Mickey (N5TSV). Vote was unanimous to open nominations with no objections.

President: Motion by Greg (KF5TTO) Tim for President. Seconded by Don. No others stood for this position, nomination accepted. 

   Vice-President: Motion by Tim with Greg for VP. Seconded by Craig (KI5HKU). No others stood for this position, nomination accepted.

   Secretary: Motion by Tim for Donovan (K2AH), seconded by Jane. No others stood for this position, nomination accepted.

   Treasurer: Motion by Tim for Don, seconded by Mike. No others stood for this position, nomination accepted. 

   Brian (NB5R) for board is automatic as a Trustee with no expiration.

   Board: Motion by Tim for Sherri (KI5TLA), seconded by Mike. No others stood for this position, nomination accepted.

    Board: Motion by Tim for Tom, seconded by Mike. No others stood for this position, nomination accepted.

    Board: Motion by Mike for Glen, seconded by Don. No others stood for this position, nomination accepted.

     Motion by Mickey (N5TSV) to close nominations, seconded by Mike (NM5MK). Vote was unanimous with no opposition for candidate nominations.

c) Many events have occurred this year totaling approximately 663 volunteer hours to date according to Tim, having served 14,924 citizens this calendar.

  1. New Business:

    a) SAR interest from LA, SF, Taos: Members of SAR from those areas toured the OPD shack but did not remain for the meeting, with the exception of Delinda from Taos SAR.

    b) Don expanded on the events summary by speaking of the upcoming Arts Festival known as The Paseo giving details on member participation duties.

  2. Old Business

    a) The Robotics and Mesa club have stolen some of Sherri's students from STEM, according to Sherri.

    b) The repeater sites at TSV, Holy Cross and Angel Fire are insured for $2,000.00 each, which, according to Tim, are underinsured, but insured costing $84.00 a year.

    c) HF Net - Don is considering 40 or 80 meters. Don reported he is still working on it and doesn't have a lot to report. Tim asked Brian about NVIS. Brian explained that NVIS is where you bounce the transmit signal straight up and back down to a wide regional area.

    d) OPD shack facilities update. No one had any significant update.

    e) SAM power supply worklist, roof, licensed and state inspections were discussed. Brian spoke of a combiner system that was installed on SAM, that would allow for multiple repeaters on the same antenna. Brian updated that many vegetation fire hazards had been removed around the SAM shack. Brian referenced a building at a non TARC repeater site in the burn area that was insulated vs one that was not. The equipment in the insulated shack was fine, but the equipment in the uninsulated shack was destroyed. He noted that much of the damage to masts occurred at the upper, not lower end of antenna masts. Mickey asked about the guy wires. Brian stated that they were fine though he stated most towers were self-supporting. Brian thought Picuris was relatively safe from fire but stated concern about SAM.

8, 9, and 10 covered on previous discussions. (Repeater report, HF Report and Net report)

  1. No ARES discussion in the meeting.

  2. Other Business.

    a) ARRL tests scheduled for 11-12-22, Saturday at 10:00 am at OPD.

    b) Nets: 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm.

13) Club meetings held the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm at OPD on 107 Civic Plaza Dr.

  1. Business Meeting Close.

    a) Motion by Greg (KF5TTO) and seconded by Jane (KJ5ANE). Meeting adjourned at 7:19 pm.