OPD (Old Police Department) - TaosARC June 8, 2022 Agenda

6:00 PM, 2nd Wednesday Held at: 107 Plaza Drive Taos, NM 87571

Optional potluck, 5:30

We have a simultaneous in person meeting and ZOOM for your choice, see Zoom instructions at the bottom of agenda.

6:10 Meeting Begins

1) Sign in

2) Guest & member introductions, call sign & first name

3) Approval of prior month, 5/11/2022 minutes, published 5/20/2022.

4) Treasurer's Glen (KF5OSB) Report Balance is: _$_11,918.79___6/2/2022
Frost Foundation Grant $3,000 for STEM. New financial statements produced. No grant expenses this month. TARC Liability policy paid 6/8/2022, $200 premium paid. Civil Air Patrol billed $500 for SAM.

5) Tim (W5TNM) President’s remarks: a) Wildfire Response 2 - Town of Taos Support, 4/24/2022, 128 hours, 15 people. ARES debrief at end of agenda. 144 hours total Calf Canyon – Hermits Peak response b) Sam and Picuris equipment list to insure. c) FCC June 4 test results, Generals: Ed (N6RFG), Craig (KI5HKU), Extra Donovan (KI5SNX).

6) New Business: a) Town of Taos – Mitch (KE6CNG) b) Summer Music Signup, 6/18 ZZ Top, Matt (KN8X) owns the list now. OPD Analog.
c) Field day, Kit Carson Park & banner $66.38, Tom (KF5RKM) d) Bicycle Rodeo, June 12, request for 4 or 5 operators Tom (KF5RKM) e) Registered for Federal Grants. Tom (KF5RKM) f) Picuris battery capacity to double. Brian (NB5R) g) KF5PFO QSL Card update, small buy.

7) Old Business: a) Taos High School Radio Club Update – Sherri (KI5TLA). b) Arroyos Del Norte Elementary, K-5th Grade STEAM, 6/7,8,9/2022, 1-3pm, W5TNM & W5ZAC c) Hold on FirePad purchase from 5/11, Amazon policy issue d) 20 Vests for events 5-M, 10-L, 5-XL, 13 mesh (W5TNM). e) OPD Shack facilities update Donovan (KI5SNX), Mike (NM5MK) i. New 600W Amplifier installed (W5GRW), Shack Needs (KI5ODX) f) SAM power supply on worklist, licensed & state inspections. (owner needed) g) Fiesta Support July 22-24 Glen (KF5OSB)

8) Repeater Report/Update – N5TSV, NB5R, W5JHW Picuris Echolink UP! KF5PFO

9) HF Report – NM5MK

10) Net report – W5GWR & K5GEO (14 and 8 attended)

11) ARES update – HF 3939, 1st Sunday,

12) Other Business
a) ARRL Tests for 2022: Saturday 10am at OPD, 107 Plaza Drive, Taos 87571, November 12. b) Nets, 4th Wednesday 7PM, Picuris Mountain 147.120+, 67.0 analog, immediately afterwards DMR 442. 175 (+5 MHZ0 CC5 TS2 TG 715 local)

13) Notice - Each club meeting is the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6 PM, 107 Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87577, minimum agenda Treasures reports, New Business, Old Business, Closeout.

14) Business Meeting Close

a) Show & Tell – ARES Debrief Brian (NB5R) i. Future Chirp programming, 1st HF antenna, coax & connectors, crimp vs soldering, using OPD HF radios. More ideas and more volunteer teachers.

Picuris NET CONTACTS 4TH Wednesday 7PM May Net:

14 on Analog:

  1. NB5R Brian, 2. W5TAO Gary, 3. KF5TTO Greg, 4. KF5AXU Karen
  2. K5GEO George, 6. KJ5ANE Jane, 7. W5JHW John, 8. NM5MK Mike
  3. KI5HKU Craig, 10. W5TNM Tim, 11. KI5SNX Donovan, 12. W5ZAC Zac
  4. KE5CEJ Catherine, 14. W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)

8 on DMR: W5JHW, John, KF5TTO, Greg, KI5SNX, Donovan, NM5MK, Mike, W5TNM, Tim, W5TAO, Gary, W5GWR, Wayne, Net Control: K5GEO, George

TARC ARES Debrief: Calf Canyon - Hermits Peak Fire >300K acres

Evacuee support to Town of Taos, 4/23/2022, 16 hours.

Type 1 Federal Fire Team Support May 14-19, 2022 Events: 15 people, 128 volunteer hours. Orders: medical, diesel, UTV/ATV, meals, sprinkler, horse roundup.

Total 2 event TARC ARES volunteer hours 144.

Notes: • Approximately 40 radio calls per day, approximately 200 radio calls. • Site keys distributed. • CMD 13 COM-T did not go to Picuris as COM-L ask. • RADO, COM-L, COM-T are certifications and titles to be earned. • COM-L wanted a schedule. • Good USFS RADO and COM-L cooperation. • 48 hour roster to provide to COM-L. • Roster taking 2 hours a day to manage between 2 people. Emails, radio calls, phone calls etc… • Shifts, 12 hours too long. • Discovered shifts best split 8 to 2 and 2 to 8, then all would get good experience – figured out too late. • Allow signup online. • Do not allow sign up online. • No on-call list. • Used email to communicate. • No group text list. • 4 hours void, then engaged LAARC when Mon, Tue and Wed needed. • ICS 213 for LAARC operator – to get off from work. • No one ARES trained or drilled recently, for years. • No ARES organization in TARC, minus DEC. • ARES on TARC agenda since September 2021. • Unfamiliar terminology, ICS, Cubie, difficult to understand on the radio if you do not know what is means. • Santa Fe SAR, not sure how they got there. • Communications with TSAR. • Field COM-T’s returned and 6 national guard ended our need. • 22 role descriptions for ARES online. All require ARRL membership.

POC for our DEC role requirements: • Technician class or higher. • Work under TARC DEC and support TARC. • ARRL full membership. • 24x7 or near, email access. • Ability to phone text. • Maximize TARC investments with OPD for public service. • Ability to quickly and accurately received and send radio messages. • Work with the town of Taos and Taos County in TARC’s behalf to for emergency plans. • Support at least 1 annual drill (could be field day events, off grid). • Reasonable ability to travel to sites within Taos County with limited offroad. • ICS Training: 100.c,200,700,800

• Responsibilities from ARRL Website • The Assistant District Emergency Coordinator may serve as a general assistant to the District Emergency Coordinator or as a specialist. That is, the ADEC may assist the District Emergency Coordinator with general leadership matters as the District Emergency Coordinator’s alternate, or the ADEC may be assigned to handle a specific important function that does not fall within the scope of the duties of the District Emergency Coordinator’s other assistants. The designated ADEC will act as the DEC in his or her absence or in emergency response operations to maintain continuity of leadership when 24-hour activity requires multiple shifts.

• The ADEC should be familiar with the Official Appointment Description for the ARRL District Emergency Coordinator, which contains the fundamental responsibilities of the DEC.

• At discretion of the DEC, assist with collection and consolidation of Emergency Coordinator monthly reports, and submit monthly progress summaries to the Section Emergency Coordinator. Provide timely reporting of emergency and public safety communications rendered in the Section for potential inclusion in ARRL media relations activities.

• Recruitment of new hams and League members is an integral part of the job of every League appointee. Appointees should take advantage of every opportunity to recruit a new ham or member to foster growth of Field Organization programs, and our abilities to serve the public.

ZOOM Information:

Topic: Taos Arc June 2022 Meeting Time: Jun 8, 2022 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83630309314?pwd=RDdiNUR6SDFtMTMyOW8yUVA4WjVEUT09

Meeting ID: 836 3030 9314 Passcode: 986102

======================================================================== Smile.Amazon: Go to "Smile.Amazon.com" and log in. then mouse over "account" and scroll down to "AmazonSmile" and select it. That will take you to the page where you can select a non-profit... TARC. Then, every time you go to shopping on Amazon, go in through "Smile.Amazon.com" and your selected Non-Profit gets a donation when you buy something.

Smith’s Kroger: Some of us have been having trouble linking to Smiths/Kroger to select Taos ARC for automatic donations. They key may be selecting your preferred store (Taos) then finding TARC. Detailed instructions follow:

  1. Create a digital account. A digital account is needed to participate in Smith’s Inspiring Donations. If you already have a digital account, simply link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all transactions apply toward the organization you choose.
  2. Link your Card to an organization. Selecting the organization that you wish to support is as simple as updating the Smith’s Inspiring Donations selection on your digital account.
  3. Sign into your digital account.
  4. Search for your organization here. (Note, if you are a customer make sure you have a preferred store selected to view participating organizations).
  5. Enter the name or NPO number of the organization you wish to support (TARC is PT507).
  6. Select the appropriate organization from the list and click “Save”. Your selected organization will also display in the Smith’s Inspiring Donations section of your account. If you need to review or revisit your organization, you can always do so under your Account details.
  7. Your organization earns. Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Smith’s Inspiring Donations will donate 0.5% of all eligible spending to organizations that customers have linked to their Rewards Card.