MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 04-13-22 OPD – 107 Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

President Tim Henson (W5TNM) opened the meeting at 6:10 pm. Good food was had by all.

1) Sign in

a. 30 members attending, 24 at OPD and 6 via Zoom.

2) Members introduced themselves by name and call sign.

3) Tim asked for a motion to approve the prior month's minutes. Motion by John (W5JHW) and seconded by Mickey (N5TSV).

4) Treasurer's Report. Glen (KF5OSB)

a. Club bank balance as of 04-13-22 is $4,318.99.

b. Grants: LANL 2021 overspent by $9.49, which according to Tim is pretty good.

c. Bills: WIFI router $60.00; Annual Report Filing $10.00. (Based on agenda.)

5) President's Remarks. Tim (W5TNM)

a. Tim advised members to watch the city calendar of events for potential radio assistance calls.

b. Tim announced the award of a $5000 grant from LANL 2022 STEM grant earmarked for the Taos High School. Tim also said on the way to the meeting, he got a call that the club could also be getting another grant for operating funds in the amount of $3,000.

c. Tim congratulated Keith (KI5TDZ) on General upgrade and Nancy ((KI5KCG) for Tech. He also announced lots more General and Techs soon. Tim reiterated Ed (N6RFG) obtaining his father’s old call sign which Tim briefly mentioned during intros.

6) New Business.

Tim introduced the Town of Taos speaker, Mitch Miller, who coordinates town events and emergency services. He was happy to see the progress Taos ARC has made with the OPD radio room. He expressed content to have us there. Mitch indicated to the club that the new administration also seeks our services and skills. He thanked the club for all the previous radio support we have given in the past and asked for future support for upcoming events over the summer at the park.

He said the season starts on the 28th of May with Ben Harper, later ZZ Top, Lyle Lovett, Lady Wilson, Brandy Carlisle, and many more throughout the summer. There are requests in for September. He asked for ideas on how Taos ARC would want to volunteer support. Mitch would like to see radio operators spaced randomly throughout the isles to answer questions, help people, and radio in any emergencies. There will be an action plan for that. Lightning is the historical main problem. He said there would be some training and strategizing and map use on handling emergencies. The hours would be from about 17:00 to 23:00 for each event.

Volunteer Hams will be allowed to bring one guest for free. Mitch indicated the stipends would continue and with all of the concerts placed, the club would benefit from volunteering

Matt (KN8X) asked if the Police Department would supply the radios. Mitch answered that the PD will be on its own frequency and the club will be on a different frequency using its own repeaters and a liaison would be in place to bridge communications between the two. Mike (NM5MK) asked if the Fiestas were going to happen this year. Mitch said that he believed they will happen and everyone is acting like they will happen, but stated that he has not gotten any official paperwork on it. He went on to add that there will not be a Mother's Day event. Glen (KF5OSB) thanked Mitch for all that he does. Mitch acknowledged Glen's gratitude. Tim chimed in by saying "We like to call it the best hamshack in NM." Mitch thanked Tom (KF5RKM) for all the work he's done with him to bring this all to what we have and of course, all of us.

Mitch expressed the desire as the emergency response manager, to incorporate Taos ARC into the town's emergency response team. If in a situation where normal communications are gone, he wants to rely on us to work directly with the police and fire departments, along with the town council, if that were to ever come up. The town would provide training and simulations on what they would need from the amateur radio community. Mitch concluded by thanking the members of Taos ARC calling it a win, win situation for all. (Applause by members). Tim acknowledged Mitch as the one responsible for us being in this room right now.

a. Tim expressed the need for a sandwich board that can be placed outside the door to announce testing site. He asked for a volunteer to fabricate one.

b. Tim discussed other emergency exits available for the radio room. There is an exit from a north facing door.

c. Tim said Field Day was scheduled for June 25th-26th. He reflected on Field Day last year at Glen's (KF5OSB) mountain property. Tim wanted thoughts on Hopewell Lake as we discussed last year. Glen offered his property again for this year. Location will be confirmed next meeting.

d. NM QSO party was last Saturday, April 9th, despite poor band conditions and asked for observations. Mike (NM5MK) chimed in saying he did not have much luck at the hamshack citing low propagation. He said a guy from Hungary emailed him saying he needed Taos county. Mike emailed some of the HF members to try to reach Hungary, but none of the recipients of Mike's email had any success. Tim acknowledged Wayne (W5GWR) making 25 contacts on 600 watts of power and said the club had an order in for a 600-watt amp for the club.

e. OPD Shack facilities update. Tim said he didn't think we had anything lacking in the shack. (secretary Wayne later after the meeting suggested to Tim in private that a land line telephone might be nice.) Mike K. suggested a first aid kit. He said just prior to the meeting, Donovan (KI5SNX) had an accident requiring a trip to the ER for stitches citing a clash with the door as the reason for his absence at the meeting. Mike suggested having the door closure actuation slowed. Matt (KN8X) offered to compose a high quality first aid kit having had experience as a medic in the military. He also offered to do a class on first aid. Tim thought it was a good idea and gave Matt the "ok".

7) Old Business.

a. Post meeting Tech Session Show and Tell ideas continued: April- John W (W5JHW) Antenna analyzers. Next meeting in May, Tim announced the topic will be coax and connectors, crimp vs soldering. Tim asked for more ideas and volunteers for future Show and Tells.

b. Tim announced that the OPD is insured for $23,000 as voted previously upon. Annual insurance premiums are $324.95, according to Tim. He mentioned an additional $200.00 liability policy due in June. He said we didn't insure mountain tops yet as we'll inspect them later after the snow melt and need models and descriptions of equipment.

c. Taos High School Radio Club update. Sherri is talking to superiors about incentives such as field trips to gain student interest. Tim announced that minors pay only $5.00 for licensing for ARRL tests.

d. Tim expressed the urgency to put the SAM power supply on the work list for this year. he mentioned club member Larry Mapes (KG5YKP), a licensed electrician may be able to help with the task of replacing the old electrical power supply with a new one, followed by appropriate state inspections. He advised there may be some "down time" during the replacement and inspection period.

8) Repeater Report/Update.

a. No maintenance updates.

9) HF Report.

a. Discussed in NM QSO Party. See 6) d.

10) Net Report

a. Analog net control Wayne (W5GWR) reported 21 check-ins

i. Picuris NET CONTACTS 3/23/2021: 21 on Analog: 1) KJ7SKC John, 2) KI5AXU Karen, 3) KF5TTO Greg, 4) KI5TLA Sherri, 5) K5GEO George, 6) NM5MK Mike 7) KI5HKU Craig 8) K7KAH Kiri 9) NB5R Brian, 10) W5TAO Gary, 11) KF5OSA Daniel 12) KF5OSB Glen 13) KI5SNX Donovan, 14) W5TNM Tim, 15) N2YZW Paul, 16) KJ5UR Johnny, 17) N2AML Frank, 18) KG5WYG Phillip, 19) K5ZN Rachel, 20) KK7CTA Cat, 21) W5GWR Wayne (Net Control)

b.Digital net control George (K5GEO) reported 9 check-ins

i. W5TAO, Gary W5TNM, Tim KI5TLA, Sherri KI5SNX, Donovan NM5MK, Mike W5GWR, Wayne KF5TTO, Greg KF5OSB, Glen K5GEO, net control.

11) ARES update - HF 3939, 1st Sunday (agenda item not discussed)

12) Other Business

a. ARRL Tests for 2022: Saturday 10am at OPD, 107 Plaza Drive, Taos 87571, June 4, November 12. b) Nets, 4th Wednesday 7PM, Picuris Mountain 147.120+, 67.0 analog, immediately afterwards DMR 442. 175 (+5 MHZ0 CC5 TS2 TG 715 local) ( agenda item not discussed)

13) Notice-Each club meeting is the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6 PM, 107 Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87577, minimum agenda Treasures reports, New Business, Old Business, Closeout. (agenda item not discussed)

14) Business Meeting Closure

a. Adjournment called for by President Tim. Motion by Mickey (N5TSV), seconded by Don (KI5ODX). Adjournment unanimous, none opposed. Tim announced meeting is closed. Time: 6:40 pm.