Minutes Aug 11 2021


President Tim Henson called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

  1. There were no special guests in attendance, however, club member Dale Finley KB5NFT made a special appearance via Zoom from Dallas, TX. 14 TARC members were present.

  2. Minutes from previous month was motioned for approval by John W5JHW, second by Mike NM5MK.

  3. Treasures report.

    a) Glen reported a club account current balance of $17,437.17.

  4. Presidents remarks:

    a) The original expected check amount of $6.87 from Kroger (Smith's) actually showed up as a check for a surprising $24.32.

    b) Tim made a clarification that ARRL family members of a primary ARRL member paying full membership dues need only pay $10:00 for membership.

  5. New Business:

    a) San Antonio Mountain (SAM) repeater site buildings need new roof and paint with TARC funds. Motion for approval by John W5JHW, second by Sheila KI5IPS.

    b) SAM repeater power box replacement was discussed. Proper legal procedure is as follows.

    1. Proper hookup by licensed electrician. TARC member Larry KG5YKP was discussed as possible 
         qualified volunteer. Wayne W5GWR will discuss with Larry on Monday.
    2. Approval of installation by state level inspector.
    3. Hook up by Kit Carson Electric.
    4. Determination was made that old power box was working at a satisfactory level, giving Larry or someone else to install wiring more time. Motion to delay power box switch to newer box by John W5JHW, second by Glen KF5OSB.
    5. SAM maintenance recon 07-31-21 measure and material list discussed.
     6. Work 1/2 day on 08-28-21involving Tim, John, Greg B. Craig G. and George R. plus maybe a couple of more people with vehicles with good tires.
    7. PSAs KTAO, KNCE and others advertised the Aug 14 test. Confirmed VEs are John W5JHW, Tim W5TNM, and Wayne W5GWR. Ad on Taos News Tempo missed by Friday noon cutoff.

    Sheila volunteered to help with radio ads.

    8. Repeater Report:
        a) John reported having installed TSV and hospital repeaters, but he believes there's a problem with the Angel fire repeater. Echolink ok. 
    9. Net report:
       a) Wayne suggested publishing net reports on website.
    1. Old business:

      a) Still awaiting reports from Town of Taos on old police building. Priorities constantly changing.

      b) LANL Foundation STEM update. Cogent receipt?

      c) Dale, via Zoom, report on STEM: Dale reported making various contacts on VHF and Echolink. Most kids were between 6 and 9. Made contacts with Tom, Mike and Wayne. Children had a little contact trouble with using Echolink style transmit as far as coordination. Contact was made with Dales friends in North Carolina and Colorado. Kids and staff were very nice and very courteous. Rain posed a few problems, but overall, was quite successful.

      1. Other business:

        a) John WB5Q asked if hamfests were still on. Club input consensus was Albuquerque was a no-go but Socorro was a go. John WB5Q expressed favor in the Socorro hamfest, which can include a visit to the VLA.

Tim Interjection: Missed ISS SSTV under President's remarks:

Craig KI5HKU discussed slow scan tv using a Kenwood HT horizontal worked best. Can be used, via apps. MMMSTV is the app used.

12. Adjourn: Motion by Gabe WB5CSO, second by Glen KF5OSB, unanimous with no objections at 6:47 pm.

POST MEETING SUGGESTION: Start having a workshop or learning / doing session immediately after the regular meetings, for example DMR topics of programming, etc… getting radios programmed.