Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 07-13-22 OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571
Sign in. Meeting began at 6:10 pm
Roll Call. 21 members attended in person and 5 on Zoom.
Approval of Prior Months Minutes held on 06-08-22 and published on 07-09-22.
a) Motion for approval was by Don (KI5ODX) and seconded by John Carson (call sign unknown). Minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasures Report.
a) Balance not available for the meeting. Glen said he would get the balance later. Tim said it was around $12,000. Expenses: Unanimous board vote of $1000,00 for Picuris equipment. Accounts receivable of $2000,00 after receipt and deposit from town of $1000.00. We had a TSV donation of $2,276.00 worth of equipment. There were also miscellaneous expenses for Field Day and rain ponchos for various town events.
President's Remarks: Tim (W5TNM)
a) Tim reported total insurance premiums at $807.00.
i) Tim stated that SAM and Picuris were insured as of 06-10-22. ii) Tim said OPD has $23,000 in coverage costing $324.95, liability costing $200.00, and SAM and Picuris costing $282.10. iii) Tim asked if we should insure/under-insure Holy Cross, TSV, Angel Fire, (Red River is owned by Chevron). Greg (KI5TTO) suggested we get a price on insuring those facilities. Issue was tabled for now.
b) Tim stated that we have had 494 volunteer hours after many events, year to date. He mentioned that it helps with future grants and justifying our presence at OPD should it be questioned, we would have a quantified answer.
New Business.
a) Tim talked about numerous summaries.
i) Arroyo del Norte Elementary School STEM: Demos were conducted. ii) Town Bike Rodeo: Don coordinated the event iii) ZZ Top: About a dozen members participated. iv) ARRL Field Day: 18 + attended with two solar stations participating. v) Lyle Lovett: Went to 11:00 due to rain forced delays. Coordinated by Don (KI5ODX). Don said we learned a lot, despite imperfections. vi) Elle King: Coordinated by Donovan (KI5SNX) He will coordinate with Don on upcoming events as to alternate comm frequencies.
b) Upcoming Concerts.
i) 08-19: Morning Jacket; 09-03: Little Big Town. Matt (KN8X) has the sign-up sheet.
c) Fiesta Support July 22-24, Glen (KF5OSB)
i) Glen stated he just got off the phone with Theresa, who said there was a meeting scheduled that Glen was not aware of, so Glen had the action to get with Theresa. Tom (KF5RKU) chimed in mentioning that he would attend the planning meeting and inform us of the details. Glen said we will help get vendors set up that Thursday starting at 5:00-about 9:00. He gave specific details. Then again on Sunday to get them out at about the same time. Glen finished by saying we will be supported by Taos PD which is reliable.
ii) Debrief of EOC meeting with Bobby Ortega and Mark Lucero conducted by Greg (KF5TTO) and Kiri (K7KAH). Greg stated that the gate problems have been resolved. He said we were still welcome to use the building. We look forward to working with city, county, and all. Tim (W5TNM) promised to assist them with a grant they plan to write.
iii) ARRL Teacher Institute travel expenses- $500 travel advance vote approved. Vote for expense was motioned for by Don and seconded by Dan (KI5NSW).
Old Business.
a) Stem Update. Sherri (KI5TLA). Should come back with lots of new info.
b) OPD Shack facilities update. Donovan (KI5SNX). Topic not discussed.
c) SAM power supply. On worklist
d) SAM workday. Not discussed
Repeater Update/Report-Brian (NB5R). Picuris repeater (KF5PFO) needs attention, according to Brian. Charging components need replacing as diagnosed by Brian. He also discovered additional problems with the DMR portion. Much of this was caused by a lightning strike. He mentioned a solar panel that also needed replacement. A question about money came up to which Brian responded that we already have the money. Upgrades include an additional battery, according to Brian. He also mentioned the Mora Sheriffs repeater was back up after the fire. He gave detailed descriptions of the massive damage to shacks and towers in the area and one that miraculously was unscathed. Being that that area is such a "hole", Brian will put in a request for a HAM repeater there with the county. Changes to SAM combining three repeaters to one antenna and other improvements coming to SAM as well according to Brian. Manpower will be needed for some of the tasks. Tim said help will be needed for other tasks as well. Miscellaneous repairs were also discussed.
HF Report. Mike (NM5MK). HF not discussed. Tim announced that Keith (KI5TZD) had Winlink working.
Net Report. Tim reported that nets, both analog and DMR did not take place because of repeater failure.
ARES Update-HF 3.939 on 80 meters, 1st Sunday of the month. Tim advised those who are interested in ARES to take the 100, 200, 500 and 600 courses. HF net was discussed for Taos ARC.
Other Business.
a) ARRL Tests for 2022: Saturday November 12, 10:00am to be conducted at the OPD located on 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571.
b) Nets are held on the 4th Wednesday at 7:00pm via Picuris repeater.
Notice- Each club meeting is held on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm and is located at 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571. Minimum agendas are treasurer's reports, new business, old business, and closeout.
Business Meeting Closeout. Motion called for by Don (KI5ODX), seconded by Mickey (N5TSV). Approval was unanimous.