Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 9-13-2023

OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:10 pm

  2. Guest and member introductions, 23 members & guests attending with one virtually by Google Meets.

  3. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes held on 8/9/2023. Motion for approval by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Mickey (N5TSV), vote was unanimous with no objections.

  4. Treasurer's Report. Don reported the current available balance is $11,170.00 after accounting for obligations. Motion for approval of the treasurer’s report by David (KF5TVE) and seconded by Mickey (N5TSV), vote was unanimous with no objections

  5. Tim (W5TNM) president's remarks & discussion topics: a) Known calendar of events: Sep 7 Homecoming Parade, Sep 15-16 Paseo Project. Greg, Don & Donovan provided updates on these events. b) Tim provided some feedback and thoughts from his attendance at the 2023 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division convention held August 11-13. c) Next ARRL License test will be November 4th @OPD, however Tim noted there are a couple of members who may wish to test for General earlier which we will accommodate.

  6. New Business: a) Tim noted the Officer and Board nominations for the October annual meeting and asked for nominations for the Termed positions and other positions as noted. b) Officers (4): Tim (Pres) Termed Out, (Mike, KI6KGC nominated) Greg (VP) Termed out, (Donovan, K2AH nominated), Donovan, Secretary (Ed, KF5EIG nominated) and Don, Treasurer. c) Board (5): Immediate-Past Pres (Mike to be replaced by Tim automatically), Brian (Trustee) multi-term, Tom (Grants) Keith, K5FS nominated, Darien (STEM) and Glen (Events/Maintenance). d) Concert debrief, Don provided an update from the past two concerts, She Rises 9/2 and Desert Rhythms 9/4. e) At the August meeting Ed (KF5EIG) was asked to research hat options and through a show hands a Dark green w/ Yellow lettering was chosen. Tim and Ed will coordinate the order and purchase from a local vendor which was approved by a vote of those present with no objections noted. f) TARC social media FB & IG presence, Darien (NM5DF). Darien discussed the potential use of FB and IG to promote the club and provide the public at large a better view as to what TARC is about and what we do for the community. A vote was taken to begin the process of developing a policy, process and content and was unanimously approved with no objections. g) Other:

  7. Old Business a) ARES update – Kiri (K7KAH) – no update b) OPD Shack facilities update - no update c) STEM portable demo system. Keith (K5FS), Don (K2WQ) showed off a 3D printed case he made for the VNA tester. d) Grape 1 & 2 space weather station update, Keith (K5FS) spoke about the upcoming solar eclipse on Oct 14th and the Grape1 radio that will be used to collect data for NASA. Don showed off a small radio that was constructed using surface mount components and what was used to needed to finish the task. Motion for approval to allocate funds to purchase the final components in order to be ready by the eclipse was made by Mickey (N5TSV) and seconded by Mike (KI6KGC), vote was unanimous with no objections

  8. Repeater report: no update.

  9. Net Report: HF net will move to 7257, and the 4th Friday @8pm.

  10. Business Meeting Close. Motion by Mickey (N5TSV) and seconded by Mike (KI6KGC). Unanimous with no objections. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm