Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 3-13-2024

March 13, 2024 OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Potluck started at 5:30. Donovan (K2AH) thanked everybody who contributed to the meal.

  2. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:15 pm

  3. Guest and member introductions, 15 members attended. There were no virtual attendees and no guests.

  4. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes held on 2/15/2024. Motion for approval by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by Wayne (W5GWR), vote was unanimous with no objections.

  5. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported our bank balance and showed and described several of our reports. These are available on request. He also thanked the members for donations and membership. Motion for approval by Patrick (KJ5DGO) and seconded by Greg (KF5TTO), vote was unanimous with no objections.

  6. Mike (KI6KGC) resigned as president. Donovan(K2AH) has become acting president and made the presidents remarks:

    a. Mike resigned due to demands of his new career in the horse and barn business. He will remain a TARC member and TARC wishes him well. We may lean on him for help with the Angel Fire repeater! b. A BOD meeting was held prior to this monthly meeting. We discussed the bylaws and are looking for a new president.

  7. New Business: a. Twirl Invent Event, Saturday April 13, 12pm – 4pm. Event will be held at Enos Garcia Elementary School. It is mostly an indoor event and we are not sure what is expected. We are looking for volunteers

    b. NM QSO Party, Saturday April 13, 8am – 8pm. Donovan mentioned that TARC members will be at OPD. “Shack in the Box” was discussed as possibility for either April 13 event. Still looking for ideas and volunteers. Tim(W5TNM)mentioned we can sign up as club or individuals.

    c. TARC donated/used equipment program ideas: We have some old equipment and Mike(NM5MK) and Tim obtained several additional pieces of equipment from the widow of a “silent key”. Unfortunately, most of the equipment does not have cables or power cords. Scouring the web or attending HAM fests/conventions may help us find cables and power supplies and help us find like-minded people to fix them up. We would like to keep the old Heathkits, however.

  8. Old Business:

    a. Keith (K5FS) informed the club that he is waiting on word from LANL about our grant. LANL will announce our standing on April 15, 2024. b. Keith is also working with David (KJ5DFQ) on participation at the ARRL “Summer Teachers’ Institute”. David is filling out the application. He will need $100 for the application; a motion was made by Keith and seconded by Mike to advance the $100. The vote was unanimous with no objections. Eventually, David will need an advance for airfare.

    c. No update on TARC’s presence on Facebook and Instagram. d. ARES Update – no update. However, with winter ending and the winds starting to blow, it may be good to set up a “Safe Alert”. e. Field Day, June 22-23, Ideas for location: last year “Field Day” was held at Kit Carson Park. ECO Park, Rec Center on Paseo del Canon, OPD, and Kit Carson Park were all mentioned as possible locations.

  9. There was much discussion during the Repeater Report. Don (K2WQ) hits the Red River repeater but has never made a QSO. Mike (KI6KGC) and Zack (KJ5ACC) did make a QSO via the AF repeater to the RR repeater. Mike indicated that the RR repeater and Taos Hospital repeater do not connect. Wayne (W5GWR) mentioned the “TRASH” network. He has had QSOs with Las Cruces and Albuquerque. There was some discussion about antenna height. Tim mentioned that the locks have changed where the “TRASH” network/repeater is located and if people are coming from afar to work on this repeater, they should call first.

  10. Membership Dues: Ed (KF5EIG) said that 17 people have paid so far in 2024. The dues are due in March every year. However, there are members who have automatic Paypal payments throughout the year.

  11. MEGALINK was not discussed.

  12. Net Report: UHF Net occurs every 4 th Wednesday @7pm on the Picuris Repeater. HF Net occurs every 4 th Friday @8pm on 7257khz. March Nets have not met yet.

  13. Reminder – Statewide ARES Net – HF 3939, 1 st Sunday, 7pm

  14. Business Meeting Close. Motion by Ed (KF5EIG) and seconded by Mike (NM5MK) was unanimous with no objections. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm